Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
Member of Organizing Committees
Claude-Pierre Jeannerod and Gilles Villard organized the workshop "Structured Matrix Days" (May 14–15, ENS de Lyon, France).
Fabien Laguillaumie and Damien Stehlé organized the National Codes and Cryptography Days (Journées C2), in Aussois, France.
Nathalie Revol co-organized the "École Jeunes Chercheurs et Jeunes Chercheuses en Programmation" (June 25–28, ENS de Lyon, France).
Bruno Salvy is a co-chair of AofA'2019 (Analysis of Algorithms), in Luminy, France.
Scientific Events Selection
Member of Conference Program Committees
Chitchanok Chuengsatiansup was in the program committee of CRYPTO 2018.
Gottfried Herold was in the program committee of INDOCRYPT 2018.
Elena Kirshanova was in the program committee of INDOCRYPT 2018.
Benoît Libert was in the program committees of ACNS 2018, SCN 2018, Asiacrypt 2018, PKC 2019.
Jean-Michel Muller was in the program committee of Arith'25 and ASAP'2018.
Nathalie Revol was in the program committee of Arith'25, of SCAN 2018 and of Correctness 2018.
Bruno Salvy was in the program committee for AofA'2018, is in the program committee of FPSAC 2019, in the steering committee of AofA and in the scientific committee of OPSFA 2019.
Damien Stehlé was in the program committees of Eurocrypt 2018, SCN 2018, PQCrypto 2018 and PQCrypto 2019. He is in the steering committee of the PQCrypto conference series.
Fabien Laguillaumie was in the program committee of ACISP 2018
Jean-Michel Muller is associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Computers.
Nathalie Revol is a member of the editorial board of Reliable Computing.
Damien Stehlé is a member of the editorial board of the IACR Journal of Cryptology.
Bruno Salvy and Gilles Villard are members of the editorial board of Journal of Symbolic Computation.
Bruno Salvy is a member of the editorial board of the collection Text and Monographs in Symbolic Computation (Springer) and has been for 10 years in the editorial board of the Journal of Algebra (section Computational Algebra), which he left in March.
Invited Talks
Claude-Pierre Jeannerod gave an invited talk Recent results in fine-grained rounding error analysis at the SCAN 2018 conference (Tokyo, September 10–15, 2018).
Jean-Michel Muller gave an invited talk Arithmétique et précision des calculs sur ordinateurs at the conference Tous mesureurs, tous mesurés, organised by the INSHS and INP Institutes of CNRS, Paris, October 18-19, 2018.
Benoît Libert gave an invited talk New Applications of the Lossy Mode of LWE at the Chinacrypt 2018 conference, organised by the Chinese Association for Cryptologic Research (CACR) in Chengdu (China) on October 27-28, 2018.
Damien Stehlé gave an invited talk On algebraic variants of the LWE problem at the ICERM workshop Computational Challenges in the Theory of Lattices, Providence (RI), on April 23-28, 2018. He also gave an invited talk on the same topic at the Cryptography and Algorithmic Number Theory workshop, held in Caen on June 20-22, 2018.
Elena Kirshanova gave an invited talk Sieving algorithms for the Shortest Vector Problem at the Joint Meeting of the Korean Mathematical Society and the German Mathematical Society, held in Seoul, Korea, on October 3-6, 2018.
Gottfried Herold gave an invited talk Sieving in Practice at the Joint Meeting of the Korean Mathematical Society and the German Mathematical Society, held in Seoul, Korea, on October 3-6, 2018.
Jean-Michel Muller gave an invited talk Make computer arithmetic great again at a panel session on the future of computer arithmetic at Arith-25, 25-27 june 2018.
Bruno Salvy gave an invited tutorial talk at STACS'2018 on random generation of combinatorial structures.
Leadership within the Scientific Community
Claude-Pierre Jeannerod was member of the scientific committee of JNCF (Journées Nationales de Calcul Formel). He was also a member of the recruitment committee for postdocs and sabbaticals at Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes.
Jean-Michel Muller is co-director of the Groupement de Recherche Informatique Mathématique (GDR IM) of CNRS; he chaired the HCERES evaluation committees of IRIF (UMR 8243, march 2018) and LIX (UMR 7161, october 2018); he is a member of the Scientific Concil of CERFACS; he participated to the jury of the Prix La Recherche award in 2018.
Alain Passelègue is a member of the steering committee of the Groupe de Travail Codage et Cryptographie (GT-C2) of the GDR-IM.
Bruno Salvy was a member of the HCERES evaluation committees of IRIF.
Damien Stehlé was a member of the jury for prix de thèse SIF.