Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master: Claude-Pierre Jeannerod, Nathalie Revol, Algorithmique numérique et fiabilité des calculs en arithmétique flottante (24h), M2 ISFA (Institut de Science Financière et d'Assurances), Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1.

  • Master: Nicolas Brisebarre, Approximation Theory and Proof Assistants: Certified Computations, 18h, M2, ENS de Lyon, France

  • Master: Elena Kirshanova, Cryptanalysis, 18h, M2, ENS de Lyon, France

  • Master: Guillaume Hanrot, Cryptanalysis, 18h, M2, ENS de Lyon, France

  • Master: Damien Stehlé, Hard lattice problems, 36h, M2, ENS de Lyon, France

  • Post-graduate: Damien Stehlé, Hard lattice problems, 45h, Seoul National University, South Korea

  • Master: Elena Kirshanova, Computer Algebra, 10h, M1, ENS de Lyon, France

  • Master: Alexandre Wallet, Computer Algebra, 10h, M1, ENS de Lyon, France

  • Master: Guillaume Hanrot, Computer Algebra, 10h, M1, ENS de Lyon, France

  • Master: Bruno Salvy, Computer Algebra, 9h, MPRI, Paris, France

  • Master: Bruno Salvy, Logic and Complexity, 32h, École polytechnique, France

  • Master: Vincent Lefèvre, Computer arithmetic, 12h, M2 ISFA (Institut de Science Financière et d'Assurances), Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1.

  • Bachelor: Bruno Salvy, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, 15h, École polytechnique, France

  • Post-graduate: Bruno Salvy, Experimental Mathematics, 3h, Atelier jeunes chercheurs, St-Flour, France

  • Post-graduate: Bruno Salvy, Recent algorithms in symbolic summation and integration, 4h, Journées Louis Antoine, Rennes, France

  • Master: Fabien Laguillaumie, Cryptography, Security, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, 150h

  • Post-graduate : Fabien Laguillaumie, 2-party Computation and Homomorphic Encryption, 1h, École Cyber in Occitanie, France


  • PhD: Fabrice Mouhartem, Privacy-preserving cryptography from pairings and lattices, ENS de Lyon (UdL), 18/10/2018, Benoît Libert

  • PhD in progress: Radu Titiu, Pseudo-random functions and functional encryption from lattices, ENS de Lyon (UdL), 01/01/2017, Benoît Libert

  • PhD in progress: Chen Qian, Additively homomorphic encryption and its applications, ENS de Lyon (UdL), 01/09/2016, Benoît Libert

  • PhD: Weiqiang Wen, Contributions to the hardness foundations of lattice-based cryptography, ENS de Lyon (UdL), 01/09/2015, Damien Stehlé

  • PhD in progress: Miruna Rosca, Algebraic variants of the LWE problem, ENS de Lyon (UdL), 01/01/2017, Damien Stehlé

  • PhD in progress: Alice Pellet–Mary, obfuscation cryptanalysis, ENS de Lyon (UdL), 01/09/2016, Damien Stehlé

  • PhD in progress: Huyen Nguyen, mathematical foundations of lattice-based cryptography, ENS de Lyon (UdL), 01/09/2018, Damien Stehlé

  • PhD in progress: Florent Bréhard, Outils pour un calcul numérique certifié -Applications aux systèmes dynamiques et à la théorie du contrôle, Ens de Lyon (UdL), 01/09/2016, Nicolas Brisebarre, Mioara Joldeş (CRNS, LAAS) et Damien Pous (CNRS, LIP, Plume)

  • PhD in progress: Adel Hamdi, Chiffrement fonctionnel pour le traitement de données externes en aveugle, UCBL (UdL) & Orange, 07/12/2017, Sébastien Canard (Orange), Fabien Laguillaumie

  • PhD in progress: Ida Tucker, Conception de systèmes cryptographiques avancés reposant sur des briques homomorphes, Ens de Lyon (UdL) et Université de Bordeaux, 17/10/2017, Guilhem Castagnos (IMB, Université de Bordeaux), Fabien Laguillaumie


  • Benoît Libert: reviewer for the PhD thesis of Pierre-Alain Dupont, ENS, 29/08/2018.

  • Damien Stehlé: reviewer for the PhD thesis of Thomas Ricosset, ENSEEIHT, 12/11/2018; reviewer for the PhD thesis of Ilaria Chillotti, UVSQ, 17/05/2018; examiner for the PhD thesis of Rachel Player, Royal Holloway University of London, 19/03/2018; president for the PhD thesis of Guillaume Bonnoron, Ecole nationale supérieure Mines-Télécom Atlantique Bretagne Pays de la Loire, 15/03/2018; jury member for the PhD thesis of Quentin Santos, ENS, 20/12/2018.

  • Bruno Salvy: member of the HdR committee of Guillaume Chapuy, IRIF, April and of Enrica Duchi, IRIF, November; reviewer for the PhD thesis of Pablo Rotondo, IRIF, September.

  • Fabien Laguillaumie: reviewer for the PhD thesis of Raphaël Bost, Université Rennes 1, 08/01/2018, Xavier Bultel, Université Clermont Auvergne, 17/05/2018, Vincent Zucca, Sorbonne Université, 25/06/2018, Quentin Santos, ENS, 20/12/2018

  • Nathalie Revol: examiner for the PhD thesis of Romain Picot, Université Paris 6, 27/03/2018