Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria International Labs

International Laboratory for Research in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics

Associate Team involved in the International Lab:

  • Title: Mixed Multi-objective Optimization using Hybrid Algorithms: Application to smart grids

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • Ecole Mohammadia d'Ingénieurs (Morocco) - LERMA (Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches en Mathématiques Appliquées) - Rachid Ellaia

  • Start year: 2016

  • See also: https://ocm.univ-lille1.fr/~talbi/momh/

  • The key challenge of this project is to propose new optimization models and new hybrid algorithms to the demand side management of smart grids in a context of uncertainty and in the presence of several conflicting objectives.

    Those complex optimization problems are also characterized by the presence of both continuous and discrete variables. We need to design new efficient optimization algorithms combining state of the art exact and metaheuristic algorithms from the global optimization and combinatorial optimization communities.

Other IL projects
  • Title: Frontiers in Massive Optimization and Computational Intelligence

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher): Shinshu University (JAPAN)

  • Start year: 2017

  • See also: https://sites.google.com/view/lia-modo/

  • Abstract: The aim of MODO is to federate French and Japanese researchers interested in the dimensionality, heterogeneity and expensive nature of massive optimization problems. The team receives a yearly support for international exchanges and shared manpower (joint PhD students).

Inria Associate Teams Not Involved in an Inria International Labs

  • Title: Three-fold decomposition in multi-objective optimization (D3MO)

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher): University of Exeter, UK

  • Start year: 2018

Inria International Partners

Informal International Partners
  • Collaboration with Université de Mons (UMONS). The collaboration consists mainly in the joint supervision of two Phds (M. Gobert and G. Briffoteaux)

  • University of Elche, Spain

Participation in Other International Programs

  • Title: Evolutionary many-objective optimization: application to smart cities and engineering design

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher): CINVESTAV-IPN (MEXICO)

  • Start year: 2016

  • Abstract: The project is co-funded by ECOS Nord (FRANCE) and ANUIES (MEXICO). Abstract to be extended ...

  • Title: Bridging the gap between exact methods and heuristics for multi-objective search (MOCO-Search)

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher): University of Coimbra and University of Lisbon, Portugal

  • Start year: 2018

  • Website: http://sites.google.com/view/moco-search/

  • Abstract: This international project for scientific cooperation (PICS), funded by CNRS and FCT, aims to fill the gap between exact and heuristic methods for multi-objective optimization. The goal is to establish the link between the design principles of exact and heuristic methods, to identify features that make a problem more difficult to be solved by each method, and to improve their performance by hybridizing search strategies. Special emphasis is given to rigorous performance assessment, benchmarking, and general-purpose guidelines for the design of exact and heuristic multi-objective search.