Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


  • ANR SRGI, for Sub-Riemannian Geometry and Interactions, coordinated by Emmanuel Trélat, started in 2015 and runs until 2020. Other partners: Toulon University and Grenoble University. SRGI deals with sub-Riemannian geometry, hypoelliptic diffusion and geometric control.

  • ANR Finite4SoS, for Commande et estimation en temps fini pour les Systèmes de Systèmes, coordinated by Wilfrid Perruquetti, started in 2015 and runs until 2019. Other partners: Inria Lille, CAOR - ARMINES. Finite4SoS aims at developing a new promising framework to address control and estimation issues of Systems of Systems subject to model diversity, while achieving robustness as well as severe time response constraints.

  • ANR QUACO, for QUAntum COntrol: PDE systems and MRI applications, coordinated by Thomas Chambrion, started in 2017 and runs until 2021. Other partners: Lorraine University. QUACO aims at contributing to quantum control theory in two directions: improving the comprehension of the dynamical properties of controlled quantum systems in infinite-dimensional state spaces, and improve the efficiency of control algorithms for MRI.