Section: Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the Year

  • The startup NEURINNOV was created in November 2018, David Andreu and David Guiraud will leave CAMIN team to join the company. A first research collaboration was established between CAMIN and Neurinnov as part of the Isite MUSE, through the Spin Stim project. The Spin Stim project focuses on severe impairments of vesico-sphincteric functions. It is a deep partnership based on the implementation of Neurinnov staff directly in the research unit.

  • François Bonnetblanc was laureat of the French Scholars Lecture Series 2018 – Peter Wall Institute of Advanced Studies - University of British Columbia / Embassy of France in Canada, (https://pwias.ubc.ca/program/french-scholars-lecture-series) and laureat of the TOR Program 2018 between France and Sweden, (https://www.institutfrancais-suede.com/tout-sur-tor/).

  • Benoît Sijobert was finalist of the Handitech Trophy (https://www.lahanditech.fr/), presenting a project related to his Phd work in CAMIN team, among 156 projects awarding inclusive technologies.

  • Wafa Tigra got the 2017 IFRATH (Institut Fédératif de Recherche sur les Aides Techniques pour les personnes Handicapées) PhD thesis price on October 2018.

  • Ana Claudia Lopes (UnB, Brazil) presented the paper « Quadriceps electrical stimulation to assist sitting pivot transfer by a person with paraplegia » at IFESS conference 2018 and won the Vodovnik Award student paper competition (2nd position). This work was done within the context of CACAO associate team.