New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Partnerships and Cooperations
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Partnerships and Cooperations

Section: Dissemination


Articles and contents

  • In books/journals for the general public.

    Paul Zimmermann coordinated (and largely contributed to) the translation into English of the 2013 book Calcul mathématique avec Sage. At the same time, the book was updated to a more recent version of the Sage software tool. The resulting book will be published by SIAM at the end of 2018, while an electronic version will remain available under a Creative Commons license [12].

  • For online publications. Pierrick Gaudry co-authored a blog article about e-voting and the Belenios tool [13].

  • Interviews in order to popularize. Cécile Pierrot gave a radio interview at France Bleue about being a cryptographer.

  • Videos. Cécile Pierrot worked with Accustica, a company which promotes popularization. A portrait was created for the exhibition “Les filles, osez les sciences !” (Girls, let's dare to do science!). (video link).


Cécile Pierrot was invited to the exhibition “Les filles, osez les sciences !” to make teachers considers how to deconstruct gender stereotypes in (Computer) Science.


Pierrick Gaudry gave a talk about e-voting at the Académie des Sciences.

Emmanuel Thomé gave a talk for students of «classes préparatoires» in Nancy visiting the Inria Nancy research center, on the topic of trapdoored primes in cryptographic standards.

Paul Zimmermann participated in the Maths-en-jeans programme, with a class from Lycée Vauban in Luxembourg.

Paul Zimmermann (and Stéphane Glondu from the software development team SED) participated in Fête de la Science in October.

Cécile Pierrot co-organized and participated in Ada Lovelace day.

Cécile Pierrot gave a talk at Forum de l'Innovation des Armées 2018 about the discrete logarithm problem.

Cécile Pierrot led workshops for secondary-school pupils in Nancy, Reims and Toulouse about research in Computer Science.