Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
Member of the Organizing Committees
Paul Zimmermann co-organized two workshops on the development of the iRRAM, GNU MPFR and GNU MPC libraries: one in Dagstuhl in April, with 10 participants, and one in Trier in November, with 12 participants.
Paul Zimmermann also chaired the organizing committee of the EJCIM (École Jeunes Chercheurs Informatique Informatique Mathématique) which took place in Nancy in 2018.
Scientific Events Selection
Emmanuel Thomé is a member of the scientific directorate of the Dagstuhl computer science seminar series.
Member of steering committees
Pierrick Gaudry is a member of the steering committee of the Workshop on Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC).
Member of the Conference Program Committees
Paul Zimmermann was a member of the program committee of ANTS XIII (Thirteenth Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA).
Member of the Editorial Boards
Virginie Lallemand is a member of the editorial board of the IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology (ToSC) Journal for 2018/2019. This journal is the open-access journal associated to the International Conference on Fast Software Encryption (FSE).
Marine Minier is a guest editor of the special issue of Workshop on Coding and Cryptography (WCC) in the journal Designs, Codes and Cryptography (DCC).
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Members of the project-team did their share in reviewing submissions to renowned conferences and journals. Actual publications venues are not disclosed for anonymity reasons.
Invited Talks
Emmanuel Thomé was invited to give a talk at the ANTS-XIII conference (Madison, WI, USA).
Marine Minier was invited to give a talk at the Journées Nationales du GT Codage & Cryptographie, Aussois, France.
Marine Minier was invited to give a talk at Journée “Protection du code et des données, obfuscation & whitebox cryptography”, Paris Saclay, France.
Paul Zimmermann was invited to give a talk at the topical workshop Celebrating 75 Years of Mathematics of Computation (ICERM, Providence, RI, USA).
Pierrick Gaudry was invited to give a talk at the 22nd Workshop on Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC 2018) in Osaka, Japan.
Research Administration
Jérémie Detrey chairs the Commission des Utilisateurs des Moyens Informatiques (CUMI) of the Inria Nancy – Grand Est research center.
Pierrick Gaudry is vice-head of the Commission de mention Informatique of the École doctorale IAEM of the University of Lorraine and is a member of the Conseil Scientifique du GdR IM.
Marine Minier is a member of Collegium of Science et Techniques of Université de Lorraine. She was:
Pierre-Jean Spaenlehauer is a member of the commission développement technologique (CDT) of the Inria Nancy Grand-Est research center.
is a member of the management committee for the research project “CPER Cyberentreprises” (co-chair).
is a member of the Comité Local Hygiène, Sécurité, et Conditions de Travail of the Inria Nancy – Grand Est research center.
chaired the hiring committee for the junior research positions (CR) at Inria Nancy.
Paul Zimmermann is member of the Scientific Committee of the EXPLOR Mésocentre, of the “groupe de réflexion” Calcul, Codage, Information of the GDR-IM, of the advisory board of the OpenDreamKit european project, of the scientific council of the LIRMM laboratory in Montpellier.