Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
European Initiatives
FP7 & H2020 Projects
Project title: EXAscale Quantification of Uncertainties for Technology and Science Simulation
Other partners: EPFL (Switzerland), UPC (Spain), TUM (Germany), VSB (Czech Republic), str.ucture GmbH (Germany)
The ExaQUte project aims at constructing a framework to enable Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) and Optimization Under Uncertainties (OUU) in complex engineering problems using computational simulations on Exascale systems. The stochastic problem of quantifying uncertainties will be tackled by using a Multi Level MonteCarlo (MLMC) approach that allows a high number of stochastic variables. New theoretical developments will be carried out to enable its combination with adaptive mesh refinement, considering both, octree-based and anisotropic mesh adaptation. Gradient-based optimization techniques will be extended to consider uncertainties by developing methods to compute stochastic sensitivities, This requires new theoretical and computational developments. With a proper definition of risk measures and constraints, these methods allow high-performance robust designs, also maximizing the solution reliability. The description of complex geometries will be possible by employing embedded methods, which guarantee a high robustness in the mesh generation and adaptation steps, while allowing preserving the exact geometry representation. The efficient exploitation of Exascale system will be addressed by combining State-of-the-Art dynamic task-scheduling technologies with space-time accelerated solution methods, where parallelism is harvested both in space and time. The methods and tools developed in ExaQUte will be applicable to many fields of science and technology. The chosen application focuses on wind engineering, a field of notable industrial interest for which currently no reliable solution exists. This will include the quantification of uncertainties in the response of civil engineering structures to the wind action, and the shape optimization taking into account uncertainties related to wind loading, structural shape and material behavior. All developments in ExaQUte will be open-source and will follow a modular approach, thus maximizing future impact.
Collaborations in European Programs, Except FP7 & H2020
Project title: Multi-fidelity decision making tools for wave energy systems
Other partners: Chalmers University (Sweden), IST Lisbon (Portugal), DTU Compute (Denmark)
MIDWEST is a project starting in 2016 (kick-off in December 2015) and funded by the EU-OceaneraNET program by the French ADEME, by the Swedish SWEA, and by the Portuguese FCT, aiming at proposing new tools for the wave energy industry. Wave energy converters (WECs) design currently relies on low-fidelity linear hydrodynamic models. While these models disregard fundamental nonlinear and viscous effects â which might lead provide sub-optimal designs â high-fidelity fully nonlinear Navier-Stokes models are prohibitively computational expensive for optimization. The MIDWEST project will provide an efficient asymptotic nonlinear finite element model of intermediate fidelity, investigate the required fidelity level to resolve a given engineering output, construct a multi-fidelity optimization platform using surrogate models blending different fidelity models. Combining know how in wave energy technology, finite element modelling, high performance computing, and robust optimization, the MIDWEST project will provide a new efficient decision making framework for the design of the next generation WECs which will benefit all industrial actors of the European wave energy sector.