Section: New Software and Platforms


Mmg Platform

Keywords: Mesh adaptation - Anisotropic - Mesh generation - Mesh - Isovalue discretization

Scientific Description: The Mmg plateform gathers open source software for two-dimensional, surface and volume remeshing. The platform software perform local mesh modifications. The mesh is iteratively modified until the user prescriptions satisfaction.

The 3 softwares can be used by command line or using the library version (C, C++ and Fortran API) : - Mmg2d performs mesh generation and isotropic and anisotropic mesh adaptation. - Mmgs allows isotropic and anisotropic mesh adaptation for 3D surface meshes. - Mmg3d is a new version af the MMG3D4 software. It remesh both the volume and surface mesh of a tetrahedral mesh. It performs isotropic and anisotropic mesh adaptation and isovalue discretization of a level-set function.

The platform software allow to control the boundaries approximation: The "ideal" geometry is reconstruct from the piecewise linear mesh using cubic Bezier triangular partches. The surface mesh is modified to respect a maximal Hausdorff distance between the ideal geometry and the mesh.

Inside the volume, the software perform local mesh modifications ( such as edge swap, pattern split, isotropic and anisotropic Delaunay insertion...).

Functional Description: The Mmg plateform gathers open source software for two-dimensional, surface and volume remeshing. It provides three applications : 1) mmg2d: generation of a triangular mesh , adaptation and optimization of a triangular mesh 2) mmgs: adaptation and optimization of a surface triangulation representing a piecewise linear approximation of an underlying surface geometry 3) mmg3d: adaptation and optimization of a tetrahedral mesh and isovalue discretization

The platform software perform local mesh modifications. The mesh is iteratively modified until the user prescription satisfaction.

News Of The Year: Release 5.3.0 improves: - the mmg3d algorithm for mesh adaptation (better convergency and edge lengths closest to 1) - the software behaviour in case of failure (warnings/error messages are printed only 1 time and there is no more exits in the code) - the mmg2d software that now uses the same structure than mmgs and mmg3d

It adds: - the -hsiz option for mmg2d/s/3d (that allows to generate a uniform mesh of size ) - the -nosurf option for mmg2d (that allows to not modify the mesh boundaries) - the -opnbdy option for mmg3d (that allow to preserve an open boundary inside a volume mesh) - the possibility to provide meshes containing prisms to mmg3d (the prisms entities are preserved while the tetra ones are modified)

  • Participants: Algiane Froehly, Cécile Dobrzynski, Charles Dapogny and Pascal Frey

  • Partners: Université de Bordeaux - CNRS - IPB - UPMC

  • Contact: Cécile Dobrzynski

  • URL: http://www.mmgtools.org