Section: New Results
Inverse models for identification of cellular ionic parameters from macroscopic signals
Traditional inverse models in cardiac electrophysiology have aimed at identifying the activation (and relaxation) order of the cardiac muscle from body surface potentials. However, many cardiac anomalies cannot be reduced to such simple parameters. Underlying the activation and “repolarization” of the cells is a complex interplay of different ion channels, each with its own dynamics. Genetic and other abnormalities express themselves in one or more of these channels. We have therefore taken several initiatives to identify the properties of the channels themselves.
Measurements with micro-electrodes can capture currents generated by a handful of cultured cells. Together with the REO team at the Inria center in Paris we have developed methods to identify properties of individual ionic currents from such measurements [28], [10].
On the level of the whole heart, two studies have attempted to identify cellular properties from surface electrocardiogram (ECG) signals [29], [11]. Ravon et al. have previously developed a method that identifies activation times as well as repolarization properties of a simplified ionic model (the Mitchell-Schaeffer model) [66], but considering only the outer surface of the heart muscle. We now evaluated the capability of this method to distinguish properties of the inner and outer surfaces, which are expected to differ importantly [29]. This turned out to be extremely challenging. Abidi et al. [11], on the other hand, demonstrated that the solution to such problems is unique even for intermediately complex ionic models such as the Beeler-Reuter [46] and Luo-Rudy I [61] models.
Thus, we found that a unique solution exists but is very hard to find in practical situations. This result suggests that further work should aim at removing confounding factors such as limitations in the volume conductor models.