Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Member of the Organizing Committees
Laure Gonnord animates the french compilation community since 2010 (
Laure Gonnord has coorganised (with other members of the LIP lab) the doctoral school EJCP (École jeunes en programmation), in June 2018.
Chair of Conference Program Committees
Ludovic Henrio was one of the chairs of the ICE 2018 workshop (Interaction and Concurrency Experiences), he will also be chairing ICE 2019.
Member of the Conference Program Committees
Christophe Alias is a PC member of HiP3ES 2018 – 6th High Performance Energy Efficient Embedded Systems Workshop. He will be a PC member for COMPAS 2019 – Conférence d'informatique en Parallélisme, Architecture et Système.
Matthieu Moy is a PC member of DUHDe 2018 — 5th Workshop on Design Automation for Understanding Hardware Designs.
Laure Gonnord is a PC member of TAPAS 2018 - Ninth Workshop on Tools for Automatic Program Analysis, and VMCAI 2018 - 19th International Conference on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation. She will be a PC member of CAV 2019 Conference on Computer-Aided Verification.
Ludovic Henrio is a PC member of 4PAD 2018 (Formal Approaches to Parallel and Distributed Systems), FASE 2019 (Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering). He will be a PC member of Coordination 2019 (Conference on Coordination Models and Languages), ACSD 2019 (Application of Concurrency to System Design).
Christophe Alias was reviewer for HCW 2018 – 27th International Workshop on Heterogeneity in Computing.
Matthieu Moy was reviewer for DATE 2018 - Design, Automation and Test in Europe, MCSoC 2019 - International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core Systems-on-Chip
Laure Gonnord was reviewer for STACS 2018 - Symposium of Theorical Aspects of Computer Science.
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Christophe Alias was reviewer for ACM Transactions on Architectures and Code Optimization (TACO, ACM) and Proceedings of the IEEE.
Matthieu Moy was reviewer for the Microprocessors and Microsystems Journal (MICPRO, Elsevier).
Ludovic Henrio was reviewer for JLAMP (Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming), Elsevier.
Invited Talks
Matthieu Moy presented a talk “Response Time Analysis of Dataflow Applications on a Many-Core Processor with Shared-Memory and Network-on-Chip” for the 30 years of the LIP laboratory, November 2018.
Laure Gonnord gave two invited talks at the workshop FAC Days (Toulouse) and at the International Conference LOPSTR 2018 “Experiences in designing scalable static analyses”.
Ludovic Henrio gave an invited talk at HLPP 2018 “An Overview of (some) Active-object Languages” and at PASS 2018 workshop “SafePlace: Trustable Virtual Machine Scheduling”.