Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
Inria Project Lab: FRATRES (Fusion Reactors Research and Simulation)
Controlled nuclear fusion can be considered as an example of grand challenge in many fields of computational sciences from physical modelling, mathematical and numerical analysis to algorithmics and software development and several Inria teams and their partners are developing mathematical and numerical tools in these areas.
Since january 2015, H. Guillard is coordinating the Inria Project Lab FRATRES ( to organize these developments on a collaborative basis in order to overcome the current limitations of today numerical methodologies. The ambition is to prepare the next generation of numerical modelling methodologies able to use in an optimal way the processing capabilities of modern massively parallel architectures. This objective requires close collaboration between a) applied mathematicians and physicists that develop and study mathematical models of PDE; b) numerical analysts developing approximation schemes; c) specialists of algorithmic proposing solvers and libraries using the many levels of parallelism offered by the modern architecture and d) computer scientists. This Inria Project Lab will contribute in close connection with National and European initiatives devoted to nuclear Fusion to the improvement and design of numerical simulation technologies applied to plasma physics and in particular to the ITER project for magnetic confinement fusion.
Contact : Hervé Guillard
Defi : Infiniti : INterFaces Interdisciplinaires NumérIque et ThéorIque
Participants: HervéGuillard, AnnaDegioanni[LAMPEA Aix-en-Provence], SilvanaCondemi[ADES, Marseille], ZhenyuXu
In the framework of the "Defi : Infiniti : INterFaces Interdisciplinaires NumérIque et ThéorIque" of the “Mission pour l’Interdisciplinarité” of CNRS, this work has associated Hervé Guillard to Anna Degioanni of the Laboratory LAMPEA - Laboratoire Méditerranéen de Préhistoire Europe-Afrique of Aix-en-Provence and Silvana Condemi of the ADES (Anthropologie bio-culturelle, droit, éthique et santé - UMR 7268) laboratory in Marseille. The purpose of this work was to propose a numerical model and to realize a software allowing paleo-anthropologist and pre-historians to study numerically the propagation and diffusion of Homo Sapiens in Europe between 50 000 and 30 000 years BP. A 6 month internship of Ms Zhenyu Xu, 3rd year student at the polytech'Nice school of engineers has been devoted to this project and the results have been presented at the "Journée de restitution 2018 du Défi Infiniti", (