Section: New Results
Compilation and Side-Channels
Participants : Frédéric Besson, Alexandre Dang, Thomas Jensen.
The usual guarantee provided by compilers is that the input/output observable behaviour of the target program is one of the possible behaviours of the source program. In the context of security, the notion of observable behaviour needs to be revisited in order to take into account side-channels i.e. observations beyond input/output that are leaked by the program execution to a potential attacker.
For instance, a common security recommendation is to reduce the in-memory lifetime of secret values, in order to reduce the risk that an attacker can obtain secret data by probing memory. To mitigate this risk, secret values can be overwritten, at source level, after their last use. However, as secret values are never used afterwards, a compiler may remove this mitigation during a standard Dead Store Elimination pass. We propose a formal definition of Information Flow Preserving transformation [7] which ensures that secret values are not easier to obtain at assembly level than at source level. Using the notion of Attacker Knowledge, we relate the information leak of a program before and after the transformation. We consider two classic compiler passes (Dead Store Elimination and Register Allocation) and show how to validate and, if needed, modify these transformations in order to be information flow preserving.