Section: New Results
Semantic study of the Sea-of-Nodes form
Participants : Delphine Demange, Yon Fernandez de Retana, David Pichardie.
As part of the PhD of Yon Fernandez de Retana [2], we started to study the the Sea-of-Nodes form. This intermediate representation was introduced by Cliff Click in the mid 90s [21] as an enhanced SSA form. It improves on the initial SSA form by relaxing the total order on instructions in basic blocks into explicit data and control dependencies. This makes programs more flexible to optimize. While Sea-of-node is popular in many production-size compiler (Sun's HotSpot, Graal...), it is still not very well understood, from a semantic, foundational point of view. We have defined a simple but rigorous formal semantics for a Sea-of-Nodes form. It comprises a denotational component to express data computation, and an operational component to express control flow. We prove a fundamental, dominance-based semantic property on Sea-of-Nodes programs which determines the regions of the graph where the values of nodes are preserved. Finally, we apply our results to prove the semantic correctness of a redundant zero-check elimination optimization. All the necessary semantic properties have been mechanically verified in the Coq proof assistant. These results have been published in [11]. A more detailed account can be found in Yon Fernandez de Retana's PhD manuscript [2].