Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
Scientific Events Selection
Chair of Conference Program Committees
Member of the Conference Program Committees
ONDM'18: 22nd Conference on Optical Network Design and Management, Dublin, Ireland, May 14-17, 2018.
IEEE ICC'18 : IEEE International Conference on Communications, Kansas City, MO, USA, May 20-24, 2018.
SEA'18: 17th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms, L'Aquila, Italy, June 27-29, 2018.
IPEC'18: 13th International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation, Helsinki, Finland, August 20–24, 2018.
IEEE Globecom'18: IEEE Global Communications Conference, Abu Dhabi, UAE, December 9-13, 2018.
Member of the Editorial Boards
Computer Science Reviews, Discrete Mathematics, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Journal of Graph Theory, Journal of Interconnection Networks (Advisory Board), Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines, Networks, Parallel Processing Letters, the SIAM book series on Discrete Mathematics, Transactions on Network Optimization and Control, Algorithms and Applications.
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Members of COATI have reviewed numerous manuscripts submitted to international journals, including:
ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, Ad Hoc Networks, Ars Combinatorica, Computer Networks (COMNET) Discrete Applied Mathematics (DAM), Discrete Mathematics, Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (DMTCS), European Journal of Combinatorics, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology (JLT), IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN), IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), Journal of Computer and System Sciences (JCSS), Theoretical Computer Science (TCS) Theory of Computing Systems (TOCS), Utilitas Mathematica.
Invited Talks
Sequential Metric Dimension (in trees). Graph Theory 2018 (GT'18), Nyborg, Denmark. August 2018.
Augmenting matchings in trees, via bounded-length augmentations. 3rd International Symposium on the Frontier of Graph Theory, Qinghai Normal University, Xining, China. April 2018.
Sequential Metric Dimension (in trees). Seminarium Matematyka Dyskretna, AGH university, Kraków, Poland. November 2018.
A Decompositional Approach to the 1-2-3 Conjecture. Seminar of the Department of Applied Mathematics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, China. May 2018.
On partitioning graphs into connected subgraphs. Seminar of the School of Mathematical Sciences, Anhui University, Hefei, China. May 2018.
Leadership within the Scientific Community
Scientific Expertise
Research Administration
Nominated member for Inria at the doctoral school STIC since September 2017;
Member of the “Comité de Suivi Doctoral” of Inria (since 2009);
Member of the scientific council of Academy RISE (Networks, Information, Digital Society) of UCA
till January 2018; -
Nominated member for Inria at the steering committee of Academy RISE (Networks, Information, Digital Society) of UCA
and EUR DS4H since Fébruary 2018; -
Member of “Comité de Sélection” 4109 - 0074 - PR 27 STS, Université d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse, 2018.
Member of “Comité de Sélection” 27 Pr 519, Université Nice - Sophia Antipolis, 2018;