Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
Márton Karsai was in the organizing team (general chair) of the Computational Social Science Satellite of the CCS'18 Conference in September 2018 in Thessaloniki
Márton Karsai was in the organizing team (general chair) of the Machine Learning and Network Science Satellite of the NetSci'18 Conference in June 2018 in Paris
Member of the Organizing Committees
Éric Guichard was the chair and organiser of the summer school Cartography and visualisation 2018 (
Márton Karsai was in the organising team (sponsor chair) of the NetSci'18 Conference held in June 2018 in Paris
Márton Karsai was in the organising team (poster chair) of the Complex Networks Conference held in December 2018 in Cambridge
Scientific Events Selection
Member of the Conference Program Committees
Thomas Begin was on the PC of the 43nd IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN).
Isabelle Guérin Lassous was, in 2018, a member of the program committee of the conferences ACM MSWiM, IEEE ICC and Globecom.
Philippe Nain was a member of the program committee of the IFIP Performance 2018 conference (Toulouse, France, december 2018) and of the MAMA 2018 workshop (Irvine, CA, USA, June 2018).
Márton Karsai was a member of the program committee of the following conferences in 2018: Complenet 2018, MLSN2018, LADAS2018, ICCS2018, Dyno 2018, COMPLEX NETWORKS 2018, NetSci 2018.
Christophe Crespelle was a member of the program committee of the 10th International Colloquium on Graph Theory and Combinatorics (ICGT 2018).
Member of the Editorial Boards
Isabelle Guérin Lassous is member of the editorial boards of Computer Communications (Elsevier), Ad Hoc Networks (Elsevier) and Discrete Mathematics & Computer Science.
Anthony Busson is member of the editorial boards of Computer Communications (Elsevier).
Márton Karsai is member of the editorial boards of Advances in Complex Systems (World Scientific).
Márton Karsai was the invited editor of the Special Issue on Complex Networks and Their Applications, Applied Network Science, Springer (2018)
Philippe Nain is a member of the Advisor Board of Performance Evaluation (Elsevier).
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Márton Karsai was acting as a reviewer for the journals of Nature Communications, PNAS, PRL, PRX, PRE, Scientific Reports, EPJ Data Science, SNAM, EPL, EPJ B, PLoS One, Journal of Statistical Mechanics, Physics Letter A, Advanced in Complex Systems, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Complex Networks, New Journal of Physics, Physica Scripta, Network Science; and for project agencies as ANR, FET-H2020 RIA.
Paulo Gonçalves was reviewer for the following journals: IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE Signal Processing Letter, Signal Processing (Elsevier).
Christophe Crespelle was a reviewer for Algorithmica (Springer) and Theoretical Computer Science (Elsevier).
Invited Talks
Éric Guichard gave a talk at the one-day conference Humanités et numérique: vers plus de confiance dans la production du discours scientifique: Les humanités numériques, un slogan creux? (Paris, Dec 4, 2018).
Éric Guichard gave a talk at the international conference in honor of Gérard Noiriel, called Héritages et actualités de la socio-histoire: Comment l'informatique et les statistiques ont aidé à penser l'histoire des catégories juridiques et sociales de l'immigration? (June 14, 2018, Ehess, Paris).
Éric Guichard gave a talk at the seminar of the PhD students of LIRIS (Univ. Lyon-1): Numérique et fracture sociale (April 3rd, 2018.)
Éric Guichard gave a talk at the conference « Quelle est l'utilité d'un produit digital connecté dans le monde du sport? », rencontres maths et industrie (institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, March 13, 2018).
Éric Guichard gave a talk at the one-day conference Imaginaires présents, numérique à venir: impensés et idéologies: Culture de l'écrit spatial, imaginaires et subjectivités (ESAD St-Etienne, March 7, 2018).
Éric Guichard gave a talk at the Séminaire interdisciplinaire PHITECO (Philosophie, Technique et Cognition): Epistémologie et philosophie politique du numérique (UTC, Compiègne, Jan 19, 2018).
Paulo Gonçalves gave a talk at the seminars of the EPC Inria Maracas (Nov. 2018).
Isabelle Guérin Lassous gave a talk at CUST and NUST in Pakistan and a seminar at the LIG laboratory on Wi-Fi association.
Thomas Begin gave a talk at DIVA lab of Univ. of Ottawa in Canada on the modeling of DPDK-based virtual switches.
Thomas Begin gave a talk at CITI Lab of INSA Lyon on Modeling WiFi in a multihop wireless network : feedback on experience.
Thomas Begin gave a talk at LIP Lab of ENS Lyon on A brief tour of Machine Learning techniques.
Philippe Nain gave a seminar on A class of stochastic multilayer networks: percolation, exact and asymptotic results, Inria Grenoble (March 22, 2018).
Márton Karsai gave an invited talk at the Higher Order Models in Network Science, NetSci’18 Satellite (12 June 2018, Paris, France)
Márton Karsai gave an invited talk at the Art, Networks and Technology, NetSci’18 Satellite (12 June 2018, Paris, France)
Márton Karsai gave an invited talk at the BrainTime workshop, Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone (18 September 2018, Marseille, France)
Márton Karsai gave an invited talk at the Language Seminar Series, Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble (20 September 2018, Grenoble, France)
Márton Karsai gave an invited talk at the Op-La-Dyn workshop, CCS’18 Satellite (26 September 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece)
Márton Karsai gave an invited talk at the Complex systems for the most vulnerable – UNICEF workshop, CCS’18 Satellite (27 September 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece)
Márton Karsai gave an invited talk at the SpaceNet workshop, CCS’18 Satellite (27 September 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece)
Christophe Crespelle gave an invited talk in the Workshop on Graph Theory and Applications at the Vietnam Institute for Advanced Studies in Mathematics (VIASM), Hanoi, Vietnam.
Christophe Crespelle gave a talk at the ICTLab of the University of Science and Technology of Hanoi (USTH), Vietnam.
Leadership within the Scientific Community
Éric Fleury is Co-chair of the Networking group ResCom of the CNRS GDR ASR. He is also a member of the scientific committee of the GDR ASR.
Philippe Nain is the coordinator of the "Strategic Technology Monitoring & Prospective Studies Inria Unit".
Scientific Expertise
Isabelle Guérin Lassous is a member of the research committee of the Milyon labex.
Isabelle Guérin Lassous is the president of the HCERES evaluation committee of SAMOVAR.
Éric Fleury is member of the Inria Advanced and starting research position jury and junior research position (CR2/CR1)
Éric Fleury has been an expert for the Fund for Scientific Research - FNRS.
Éric Fleury has been a member of evaluation panels as part of the French National Research Agencys (ANR) and member of the program committee of the ANR ROSE Challenge (RObotique et Capteurs au Service d'Ecophyto)
Éric Guichard is a member of the scientific committee of LASCO Idea Lab of the IMT (LAboratoire Sens et COmpréhension du monde contemporain de l'Institut Mines-Télécom).
Éric Guichard is a member of the international evaluation board of the doctoral program Filosofia da Ciencia, Tecnologia, Arte e Sociedade of the University of Lisbon.
Éric Guichard is the manager of the RAIL ( (Réseau de l'Atelier Internet Lyonnais), founded in 2017 and supported by IXXI and Enssib.
Research Administration
Paulo Gonçalves is scientific liaison officer for international relations in Inria Research Centre of Rhône-Alpes.
Paulo Gonçalves is a member of the executive committee of the Milyon labex and referent for its valorisation committee.
Paulo Gonçalves is correspondant for the theme "Big Data" of the Fédération d'Informatique de Lyon.
Paulo Gonçalves is member of the Council of the LIP laboratory.
Isabelle Guérin Lassous is member of the department council of the Computer Science department of Université Lyon 1.
Isabelle Guérin Lassous is the managing director of the Foundation Blaise Pascal.
Anthony Busson is head of the computer science department at IUT (Institut Universitaire de Technologie) - Université Lyon Claude Bernard Lyon 1.
Anthony Busson was a HCERES expert member (laboratory LMIA-MIPS - Université de Haute Alsace).
Thomas Begin is an elected member of the Council of the LIP laboratory.
Thomas Begin is an elected member of the department council of the Computer Science department of Université Lyon 1.
Jean Pierre Chevrot is member of the steering committee of the IXXI - Rhône-Alpes Complex Systems Institute.
Márton Karsai is the co-responsible for the M2 master program in Modelling of Complex Systems at ENS Lyon
Márton Karsai is the elected council member of the Complex System Society (2015-)
Márton Karsai is the elected member of executive committee of the Complex System Society (2018-)
Márton Karsai is the elected member of the steering committee of the IXXI Complex System Institute (2017-)
Márton Karsai is the member of the computational infrastructure board of LIP
Márton Karsai is the member of the communication board of LIP
Éric Guichard is a member of the steering committee of the IXXI Complex System Institute
Jean-Philippe Magué is a member of the executive committee of the IXXI Complex System Institute
Jean-Philippe Magué is a member of the executive committee of the Aslan Labex, in charge of the language complexity work package.