Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence :

    • Thomas Begin: Computer Networks, 18.5h, L3, Université Lyon 1.

    • Márton Karsai: Introduction to Complex Networks, 6h, L3, ENS Lyon

  • Master :

    • Thomas Begin: Distributed Algorithms, 18h, M1, Université Lyon 1.

    • Thomas Begin: Computer Networks, 44h, M1, Université Lyon 1.

    • Thomas Begin: System Administration & Security, 10.5h, M2, Université Lyon 1.

    • Thomas Begin: Advanced Networks, 58h, M2, Université Lyon 1.

    • Thomas Begin: Cloud Computing, 9h, M2, Université Lyon 1.

    • Isabelle Guérin-Lassous: Distributed Algorithms, 30h, M1, Université Lyon 1.

    • Isabelle Guérin-Lassous: Networking, 14h, M1, Université Lyon 1.

    • Isabelle Guérin-Lassous: Wireless networks, 9h, M2, Université Lyon 1.

    • Isabelle Guérin-Lassous: Quality of Service, 5h, M2, Université Lyon 1.

    • Isabelle Guérin-Lassous: ToIP and streaming, 12h, M1, Université Lyon 1.

    • Éric Guichard: Économie du web et du document, 36h, M2, Enssib & Univ. Lyon 1.

    • Éric Guichard: Programmation éditoriale, 18h, M2, Enssib & Univ. Lyon 1.

    • Márton Karsai: Complex Networks, 36h, M2, ENS Lyon

    • Márton Karsai: Data Bases Data Mining, 20h, M1, ENS Lyon

    • Philippe Nain: Performance Evaluation of Computing and Communication Systems (graduate course, Fall semester 2018), 32h, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA.

  • Cycle ingénieur (Bac+3 à Bac+5):

    • Paulo Gonçalves: Traitement du Signal (déterministe, aléatoire, numérique), Estimation statistique. 80 heures Eq. TD. CPE Lyon, France.

    • Marion Foare: Traitement du Signal (déterministe, aléatoire), Traitement d'images, Compression, Projets. 115 heures Eq. TD. CPE Lyon, France.


  • HDR defense: Thomas BEGIN, Contributions to the Performance Modeling of Computer Networks. December 2018.

  • PhD defense: Mohammed AMER,WiFi network management: a SDN approach, Novembre 2018.

  • PhD in progress: Esteban BAUTISTA RUIZ, Statistical Graph Signal Processing. P. Gonçalves (P. Abry, co-advisor). Started Sept. 1st, 2016.

  • PhD in progress: Mohamed Adbelwedoud LAFDAL, Inference of conflict graph in IEEE 802.11 networks. September 2017, A. Busson and I. Guérin Lassous

  • PhD in progress: Samuel UNICOMB, Spreading processes on temporal networks, Oct 2016, E. Fleury and M. Karsai

  • PhD in progress: Jacobo Levy ABITBOL, Information diffusion and language evolution on dynamical social networks, Oct 2016, E. Fleury and M. Karsai

  • PhD in progress: Marija STOJANOVA, Performance Modelling of IEEE 802.11 networks , Oct 2016, T. Begin

  • PhD in progress: Sicheng DAI, Dynamic Multilayer Network Modelling, M. Karsai supervisor (E. Fleury director). Started October 1st, 2017.

  • PhD in progress: Gaetan FRUSQUE, Modal Decompositions of Dynamic Graphs : Application in Neurosciences, P. Gonçalves (P. Borgnat, co-advisor). Started October 1st, 2017.

  • PhD in progress: Rémy GRÜNBLATT, Controlled mobility for UAV networks, October 2017, I. Guérin Lassous and O. Simonin.

  • PhD in progress: Dominique BARBE, From local to global learning, P. Gonçalves (P. Borgnat, co-advisor). Started October 1st, 2018.

  • PhD in progress: Nour el Houda BOUZOUITA, supervised by A. Busson and Hervé Rivano. Wi-Fi network Optimization through crowd sensing applications. November 2018 - November 2021.


  • Paulo Gonçalves was a member of the Ph.D thesis examination board of Jean-Charles Vialatte, IMT Atlantique, Université Bretagne Loire, December 2018.

  • Isabelle Guérin Lassous was a reviewer of the Ph.D thesis examination board of Jonatan Krolikowski, Univ. Paris-Sud ; Raphaël Naves, Univ. de Toulouse ; Antoine Auger, Univ. de Toulouse

  • Isabelle Guérin Lassous was a president of the Ph.D thesis examination board of Elodie Morin, Univ. Grenoble Alpes ; Jonatan Krolikowski, Univ. Paris-Sud

  • Isabelle Guérin Lassous was a member of the Ph.D thesis examination board of Narcisse Kamtchoun, UPMC

  • Isabelle Guérin Lassous was a member of the HdR thesis examination board of Valeria Loscri, Univ. de Lille.

  • Éric Guichard was a member of the Ph.D thesis examination board of Amélie Turet, Univ. Bordeaux-Montaigne.

  • Christophe Crespelle was a reviewer of the Ph.D thesis examination board of Thibaud Arnoux, UPMC

  • Anthony Busson was a jury member of Cristhian IZA PAREDES's PhD thesis. Universitat Polytecnica de Catalunya. July 12 July 2018.

  • Anthony Busson was reviewer and jury member of Lam-Thanh TU's PhD thesis. Université Paris Saclay. 18 June 2018.

  • Anthony Busson was reviewer and jury member of Nesrine KHERNANE's PhD thesis. Université de Bourgogne Franche comté. 13 November 2018.

  • Anthony Busson reviewer and jury member of Lucas's RIVOIRARD PhD thesis. Université de Lille. 21 September 2018.