Section: New Results

Topological approach for multimodal data processing

Barcode Embeddings for Metric Graphs

Participants : Steve Oudot, Yitchzak Solomon.

Stable topological invariants are a cornerstone of persistence theory and applied topology, but their discriminative properties are often poorly-understood. In [46] we study a rich homology-based invariant first defined by Dey, Shi, and Wang, which we think of as embedding a metric graph in the barcode space. We prove that this invariant is locally injective on the space of metric graphs and globally injective on a GH-dense subset. Moreover, we define a new topology on MGraphs, which we call the fibered topology, for which the barcode transform is injective on a generic (open and dense) subset.

Inverse Problems in Topological Persistence: a Survey

Participants : Steve Oudot, Yitchzak Solomon.

In [47] we review the literature on inverse problems in topological persistence theory. The first half of the survey is concerned with the question of surjectivity, i.e. the existence of right inverses, and the second half focuses on injectivity, i.e. left inverses. Throughout, we highlight the tools and theorems that underlie these advances, and direct the reader's attention to open problems, both theoretical and applied.