DISCO - 2018
Overall Objectives
New Software and Platforms
Overall Objectives
New Software and Platforms

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

Collaborations in European Programs, Except FP7 & H2020

  • Program: COST Action

  • Project acronym: FRACTAL

  • Project title: Fractional-order systems; analysis, synthesis and their importance for future design

  • Duration: November 2016 - October 2020

  • Coordinator: Jaroslav Koton Czech Republic

  • Abstract: Fractional-order systems have lately been attracting significant attention and gaining more acceptance as generalization to classical integer-order systems. Mathematical basics of fractional-order calculus were laid nearly 300 years ago and since that it has gained deeply rooted mathematical concepts. Today, it is known that many real dynamic systems cannot be described by a system of simple differential equation or of integer-order system. In practice we can encounter such systems in electronics, signal processing, thermodynamics, biology, medicine, control theory, etc. The Action will favor scientific advancement in above mentioned areas by coordinating activities of academic research groups towards an efficient deployment of fractal theory to industry applications.

  • Program: PHC BALATON

  • Project acronym: SadHuB

  • Project title: Analysis of stabilizability of delayed dynamical system as function of the systems parameters and the time delays with applications to human balancing

  • Duration: 01/2018-12/2019

  • Coordinator: Islam Boussaada

  • Other partners: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary

  • Abstract: Motivated by a class of Time-delay systems occurring in modeling of many mechanical engineering applications, this project aims to associate researchers from control theory, applied mathematics and mechanical engineering to build together a general methodology for the analysis and control of mechanical/bio-mechanical structures. In particular, the human balance is often considered as a control system which operates in the presence of delays, primarily due to the time it takes to acquire the information needed for decision-making, to create control decisions, and to execute these decisions. A particular interest will be devoted to the delayed human balance, where a depthful study of the delay effect on the stability is expected.

  • Program: PHC BRANCUSI

  • Project acronym: Proco

  • Project title: systems with propagation: new approaches in control design for oscillations quenching

  • Duration: 01/2017-12/2018

  • Coordinator: Islam Boussaada

  • Other partners: Craiova University, Romania

  • Abstract: Propagation systems are met and analyzed in various fields, in natural sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology etc.) as well as in engineering sciences (energy, mechanics, electricity, optics etc.). According to projects research objectives, the general object of analysis is represented by the controlled systems with distributed parameters which are usually met in technology dynamical systems with parameter space variation along a single space variable. The standard physical phenomena that are modeled are: diffusion, transport and propagation, thus leading to partial differential equations of parabolic (diffusion), hyperbolic (propagation) and advection first order (transportation), respectively. According to the project main subject, the main application of the studies aimed at the automatically controlled processes in the field of energy in a domain where propagation phenomena are dominant. The scientific novelty of the studies arises from the consideration of the systems described by conservation laws in the following fields: oil drilling and extraction, co-generation (combined heat-electricity generation), energy production in hydroelectric plants.

  • Program: PHC CARLOS J FINLEY (Cuba)

  • Project title: Modélisation et commande pour les processus de cryoconservation.

  • Duration: June 2017 - December 2018

  • Coordinator: Sorin Olaru (France), Marcos Martinez Montero (Turkey).

  • Abstract: The aim of this project is to initiat a collaboration on subjects related to the mathematical modelling of the dynamics involved in the cryopreservations process. In particular, the viability analysis of the vegetal material subject to cryogeny is one of the main objectives. The approach will realy on the evaluation electric leakage properties.