Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

The following researchers have visited Focus for short periods; we list them together with the title of the talk they have given during their stay, or the topic discussed during their stay.

  • Filippo Bonchi (ENS Lyon and University of Pisa) “Sound up-to techniques and complete abstract domain”.

  • Luis Fernando Llana Díaz (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) “Probabilistic software product lines”.

  • Claudia Faggian (Université Paris-Diderot – Paris 7) : “Probabilistic Lambda Calculus – beyond deterministic evaluation”

  • Nao Hirokawa (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology): “Transformations for Lazy Evaluation and Theorem Proving”.

  • Guilhem Jaber (University of Nantes): “Game semantics for higher-order functions with state”.

  • Thomas Leventis (Institut de Mathematiques de Marseille): “Taylor Expansion of lambda terms and differential linear logic.”

  • Gabriel Scherer (Inria Parsifal). “Keep (re)playing until your get all the successes”.

  • Emilio Tuosto (University of Leicester): “On pomsets as models of asynchronous message-passing languages”.

  • Akihisa Yamada (NII Tokyo): “Mathematics for Complexity in Isabelle/HOL”.

Visits to International Teams

  • Francesco Gavazzo visited the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (University of Ljubljana) hosted by Alex Simpson, from 02/10/2017 to 31/01/2018.

  • U. Dal Lago has spent overall a few weeks in Japan (University of Kyoto and University of Tokyo), collaborations with Naohiko Hoshino and Naoki Kobayashi.

Sabbatical programme

Simone Martini is Fellow at the Collegium - Lyon Institute for Advanced Studies, since September 2018 and until June 2019 https://collegium.universite-lyon.fr.