Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria Associate Teams Not Involved in an Inria International Labs

  • Title: Concurrent, Resourceful and Effectful Computation by Geometry of Interaction

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • Kyoto (Japan) - Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences - Naohiko Hoshino

  • Start year: 2018

  • See also: http://crecogi.cs.unibo.it

  • The field of denotational semantics has successfully produced useful compositional reasoning principles for program correctness, such as program logics, fixed-point induction, logical relations, etc. The limit of denotational semantics was however that it applies only to high-level languages and to extensional properties. The situation has changed after the introduction of game semantics and the geometry of interaction (GoI), in which the meaning of programs is formalized in terms of movements of tokens, through which programs "talk to" or "play against" each other, thus having an operational flavour which renders them suitable as target language for compilers. The majority of the literature on GoI and games only considers sequential functional languages. Moreover, computational effects (e.g. state or I/O) are rarely taken into account, meaning that they are far from being applicable to an industrial scenario. This project's objective is to develop a semantic framework for concurrent, resourceful, and effectful computation, with particular emphasis on probabilistic and quantum effects. This is justified by the greater and greater interest which is spreading around these two computation paradigms, motivated by applications to AI and by the efficiency quantum parallelism induces.

Participation in Other International Programs

Focus has taken part in the creation of the Microservices Community (http://microservices.sdu.dk/), an international community interested in the software paradigm of Microservices. Main aims of the community are: i) sharing knowledge and fostering collaborations about microservices among research institutions, private companies, universities, and public organisations (like municipalities); ii) discussing open issues and solutions from different points of view, to create foundations for both innovation and basic research.

U. Dal Lago is “Partner Investigator” in the project “Verification and analysis of quantum programs”, whose Chief Investigator is Prof Yuan Feng, University of Technology Sydney. The project is funded by the Australian Research Council.


  • Title: Concurrent, Resourceful and Effectful Computation by Geometry of Interaction

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • JSPS (Japan) - Kyoto University /Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences - Naohiko Hoshino

  • Duration: 2015 - 2020 The description of the project can be found in Section