New Results
Probabilistic Analysis of Geometric
Data Structures and Algorithms
Participants :
Olivier Devillers, Charles Duménil, Fernand Kuiebove Pefireko.
Stretch Factor in a Planar Poisson-Delaunay Triangulation
with a Large Intensity
Let , where is a planar
Poisson point process of intensity .
Our paper
[4] provides a first non-trivial lower bound for
the expected length of the shortest path between
and in the Delaunay triangulation associated with
when the intensity of goes to infinity.
Simulations indicate that the correct value is about 1.04.
We also prove that the expected length of the so-called
upper path converges
to , giving an upper bound for the expected
length of the smallest path.
In collaboration with Nicolas Chenavier (Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale).
Delaunay triangulation of a Poisson Point Process on a Surface
The complexity of the Delaunay triangulation of points distributed on
a surface ranges from linear to quadratic. We proved that when the
points are evenly distributed on a smooth compact generic surface
the expected size of the Delaunay triangulation is can be controlled.
If the point set is a good sample of a smooth compact generic surface [22]
the complexity is controlled.
Namely, good sample means that a sphere of size centered on the surface
contains between 1 and points. Under this hypothesis, the complexity
of the Delaunay triangulation is
We proved that when the
points are evenly distributed on a smooth compact generic surface
they form a good sample with high probability for relevant values
of and .
We can deduce [15] that the expected size of the Delaunay triangulation
of random points of a surface is
On Order Types of Random Point Sets
Let be a set of random points chosen uniformly in the unit
square. In our paper [19], we examine the typical resolution of the
order type of . First, we showed that with high probability,
can be rounded to the grid of step
without changing its order type. Second, we studied algorithms for
determining the order type of a point set in terms of the the number
of coordinate bits they require to know. We gave an algorithm that
requires on average bits to determine the order
type of , and showed that any algorithm requires at least bits. Both results extend to more
general models of random point sets.
In collaboration with Philippe Duchon (LABRI) and Marc Glisse
(project team