Section: New Software and Platforms
Fast Accurate Block Linear krylOv Solver
Keywords: Numerical algorithm - Block Krylov solver
Scientific Description: Versatile and flexible numerical library that implements Block Krylov iterative schemes for the solution of linear systems of equations with multiple right-hand sides
Functional Description: Versatile and flexible numerical library that implements Block Krylov iterative schemes for the solution of linear systems of equations with multiple right-hand sides. The library implements block variants of minimal norm residual variants with partial convergence management and spectral information recycling. The package already implements regular block-GMRES (BGMRES), Inexact Breakdown BGMRES (IB-BMGRES), Inexact Breakdown BGMRES with Deflated Restarting (IB-BGMRES-DR), Block Generalized Conjugate Residual with partial convergence management. The C++ library relies on callback mechanisms to implement the calculations (matrix-vector, dot-product, ...) that depend on the parallel data distribution selected by the user.
Participants: Emmanuel Agullo, Luc Giraud and Cyrille Piacibello
Publication: Block GMRES method with inexact breakdowns and deflated restarting