Section: Dissemination


J. Dumoulin presented a talk on "Surveillance thermique long terme" at Blue Day event organized by the Pole Mer Bretagne Atlantique on "Maintenance des infrastructures / Instrumentation / Suivi en service / durée de vie et prolongation / nouvelles agressions" , Brest, November 14th, France.

J. Dumoulin presented the COP21 solar hybrid road demonstrator at Loire- Atlantique event : "Inventons la route de demain", journées enseignements et perspectives, Fay de Bretagne, November 5th, France.

J. Dumoulin presented a talk "Routes à énergie positive" at Escales Génie Civil, Saint-Nazaire, November 22nd, France.

Internal or external Inria responsibilities

L. Mevel is member of CLHSCT committee in Rennes.

L. Mevel is member of Comité de centre committee in Rennes.

M. Doehler is member of Comité de centre committee in Rennes.


M. Doehler participated to Journée de la science on October 5th 2018.

Creation of media or tools for science outreach

A damage localization mockup has been developed and installed in the showroom of Inria Rennes [43]. It has been the support of I4S presence during the Fête de la Science on october 5th, where several highschool classes were introduced to physics and statistics by means of our demonstration mock-up.