Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events organisation
Member of organizing committees
IBIS members | Conference, workshop, school | Date |
Hidde de Jong | CompSysBio: Advanced Lecture Course on Computational Systems Biology, Aussois | Apr 2019 |
Scientific events selection
Chair of conference program committees
IBIS member | Conference, workshop, school | Role |
Eugenio Cinquemani | European Control Conference (ECC 2019) | Associate editor |
Member of conference program committees
IBIS member | Conference, workshop, program |
Eugenio Cinquemani | ECC 2019, CMSB 2018 and 2019, HSB 2019, SASB 2018 |
Hidde de Jong | CMSB 2108 and 2019, FOSBE 2019, HSB 2019, MLCSB 2018, ISMB Network Biology 2018, WML 2018 |
Member of editorial boards
IBIS member | Journal |
Johannes Geiselmann | Frontiers in Microbiology (review editor) |
Hidde de Jong | Journal of Mathematical Biology |
Hidde de Jong | Biosystems (reviews editor) |
Hidde de Jong | ACM/IEEE Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics |
Scientific evaluation and expertise
IBIS member | Organism | Role |
Johannes Geiselmann | INRA | Member scientific advisory committee Microbiologie, Adaptation, Pathogénie |
Johannes Geiselmann | UMR5240 CNRS-UCBL-INSA-BayerCropScience | Member scientific council |
Hidde de Jong | Microbiology and Food Chain Department, Inra | Member scientific council |
Hidde de Jong | Univ Grenoble Alpes | Member scientific council of Pôle MSTIC |
Delphine Ropers | INRA-Inria | Member selection committee PhD grants |
Invited talks and other presentations
Eugenio Cinquemani
Title | Event and location | Date |
Estimation du bruit extrinsèque dans l'expression génique dans des cellules individuelles | Invited talk Journées Apprentissage de modèles statistiques et stochastiques à partir de données biologiques (ASSTABIO), Rennes | Mar 2018 |
Real-time control of synthetic microbial communities | Presentation Journée InBio, Lyon | Apr 2018 |
Towards automated control of synthetic E. coli communities | Presentation Journées GDR BIOSS-IA | Dec 2018 |
Hidde de Jong
Title | Event and location | Date |
Carbon catabolite repression and diauxic growth in E. coli | Invited talk Principles of Microbial Adaptation, Lorentz Center, Leiden, the Netherlands | Mar 2018 |
Optimal control of bacterial growth for the maximization of metabolite production | Presentation SMAI-MODE 2018, Autrans | Mar 2018 |
Analysis and control of bacterial regulatory networks | Presentation Journée InBio, Lyon | Apr 2018 |
Global physiological effects and the analysis of gene regulatory networks | Invited talk 1st International Plant Systems Biology Meeting, Conférence Jacques Monod, Roscoff | Sep 2018 |
Natural and synthetic control of resource allocation in bacteria | Invited talk Molecular Logic and Computational Synthetic Biology workshop, Santiago de Chile | Dec 2018 |
Stephan Lacour
Title | Event and location | Date |
Influence des ARNs non-codants réprimant CsgD sur la production de curli par Escherichia coli | Poster Ecole Thématique de Microbiologie Moléculaire, Carry-Le-Rouet | Oct 2018 |
Aline Marguet
Title | Event and location | Date |
Estimation statistique dans une population structurée branchante | Seminar Institut Fourier, Grenoble | Jan 2018 |
Loi des grands nombres pour des processus de branchement structurés | Seminar Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse | Mar 2018 |
Loi des grands nombres pour des processus de branchement structurés | Seminar Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée, Strasbourg | Mar 2018 |
Loi des grands nombres pour des processus de branchement structurés | Seminar Institut Montpelliérain Alexander Grothendieck, Montpellier | Mar 2018 |
Estimation statistique dans une population branchante structurée par une diffusion | Presentation journées MAS du groupe Modélisation Aléatoire et Statistique, Dijon | Aug 2018 |
Estimation statistique dans une population branchante structurée par une diffusion | Seminar Institut de Mathématiques de Dijon, Dijon | Aug 2018 |
Marco Mauri
Title | Event and location | Date |
Analysis of dynamics of membrane-protein microdomains in bacteria | Poster annual Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG) meeting, Berlin | Mar 2018 |
Michel Page
Title | Event and location | Date |
WellInverter: A web application for the analysis of fluorescent reporter gene data | Poster journéé Institut Français de Bioinformatique (IFB), Paris | Dec 2018 |
Corinne Pinel
Title | Event and location | Date |
Présentation des techniques de génie génétique utilisées au sein du LIPhy | Presentation at the kick-off meeting of the network Ingénierie des Génomes des Micro-organismes (IGM), Paris | Sep 2018 |
Delphine Ropers
Title | Event and location | Date |
Quantitative modelling of metabolism, gene expression and growth | Presentation Journée InBio, Lyon | Apr 2018 |
Etienne Thibault
Title | Event and location | Date |
Coordination de la stabilité des ARNms et la physiologie cellulaire durant des transitions de taux de croissance | Presentation working group BIOSS of GDR IM/BIM, Marseille | Jul 2018 |
Coordination de la stabilité des ARNms et la physiologie cellulaire durant des transitions de taux de croissance | Poster at ICSB 2018, Lyon | Oct 2018 |
Coordination de la stabilité des ARNms et la physiologie cellulaire durant des transitions de taux de croissance | Seminar LISBP, INRA-INSA, Toulouse | Dec 2018 |
Research administration
IBIS member | Committee | Role |
Eugenio Cinquemani | Inria Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes | Member Comité des Emplois Scientifiques (CES) |
Eugenio Cinquemani | Inria Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes | Member Comité des Utilisateurs des Moyens Informatiques (CUMI) |
Eugenio Cinquemani | Inria | Member Comité Administrative Paritaire (CAP) |
Eugenio Cinquemani | Inria Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes | Member Comité Développement Technologique (CDT) |
Hidde de Jong | Inria Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes | Member scientific council (COS) |
Hidde de Jong | Inria | Member working group on International Relations of Conseil d'Orientation Scientifique et Technique (COST) |
Delphine Ropers | Inria | Member of Commission d'évaluation d'Inria |
Delphine Ropers | Inria | Member of Groupe de travail plan stratégique |
Delphine Ropers | Inria Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes | Référente chercheurs |
Delphine Ropers | Inria Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes | Member of Comité des études doctorales (CED) |
Recruitment committees
IBIS member | Organism | Recruitment |
Johannes Geiselmann | ||
Delphine Ropers | Inria | Chargés de recherche (jury d'admissibilité) |
Delphine Ropers | Inria Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes | Chargés de recherche (jury d'admissibilité) |
Delphine Ropers | INSA de Lyon | Assistant professor |