Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Four members of the IBIS team are either full professor or associate professor at Univ Grenoble Alpes. They therefore have a full teaching service (at least 192 hours per year) and administrative duties related to the organization and evaluation of the university course programs on all levels (from BSc to PhD). Besides the full-time academic staff in IBIS, the following people have contributed to courses last year.

Eugenio Cinquemani

  • Course: Stochastic modelling of gene regulatory networks, M2, BIM, INSA de Lyon (6 h)

  • Course: Statistics for systems biology, M1, Master Approches Interdisciplinaires du Vivant, CRI/Univ Paris Descartes (20 h, also in charge of 20 h of practicals)

  • Course: Modelling and identification of metabolic networks, M1, Phelma, INP Grenoble (4 h)

Hidde de Jong

  • Course and practicals: Modeling and simulation of gene regulatory networks, M2, BIM, INSA de Lyon (20 h)

Delphine Ropers

  • Course and practicals: Modelling in systems biology, M1, Phelma, INP Grenoble (16 h)

  • Course and practicals: Cell systems biology and modelling cell functions, M1, Master ingéniérie de la santé, Univ Grenoble Alpes (14 h)

  • Course: Modeling and simulation of genetic regulatory networks, M2, INSA de Toulouse (4 h)

Thibault Etienne

  • Practicals: Mathématiques et statistique appliquées aux sciences humaines et sociales (practicals), L1 and L3, Univ Grenoble Alpes (56 h)

  • Course and practicals: Construction et analyse de plasmides in silico, M1, Master ingéniérie de la santé, Univ Grenoble Alpes (10 h)


  • PhD in progress: Thibault Etienne, Analyse intégrative de la coordination entre stabilité des ARNm et physiologie cellulaire chez Escherichia coli. Supervisors: Delphine Ropers and Muriel Cocaign-Bousquet (INRA Toulouse)

  • PhD in progress: Joël Espel, RNA engineering: Design of the dynamical folding of RNA and of RNA switches. Supervisors: Alexandre Dawid (Univ Grenoble Alpes) and Johannes Geiselmann

  • PhD in progress: Antrea Pavlou, Experimental and computational analysis of bacterial self-replicators. Supervisors: Hidde de Jong and Johannes Geiselmann


PhD thesis committees

Table 27.
IBIS member Role PhD student University Date
Johannes Geiselmann Rapporteur Clea Lachaux Univ Paul Sabatier Toulouse Sep 2018
Johannes Geiselmann Président Tomas Andersen Univ Grenoble Alpes Oct 2018
Hidde de Jong Président Alexandre Rocca Univ Grenoble Alpes May 2018
Hidde de Jong Rapporteur Jonathan Behaegel Univ Côte d'Azur Oct 2018

Habilitation (HDR) committees

Table 28.
IBIS member Role PhD student University Date
Johannes Geiselmann Rapporteur Fabien Letisse Univ Paul Sabatier Toulouse Oct 2018

PhD advisory committees

Table 29.
IBIS member PhD student University
Johannes Geiselmann Alain Lombard Univ Grenoble Alpes
Johannes Geiselmann Shiny Martis INSA de Lyon
Hidde de Jong Céline Hernandez ENS Paris
Hidde de Jong Charlotte Coton INRA Moulon
Stephan Lacour Julien Trouillon CEA Grenoble
Delphine Ropers Manon Barthe Univ de Toulouse
Delphine Ropers Irene Ziska Univ de Lyon

Teaching administration

Yves Markowicz is director of the BSc department at Univ Grenoble Alpes.

Michel Page is coordinator of the master Systèmes d'information et d'organisation at the Institut d'Adminstration des Entreprises (IAE), Univ Grenoble Alpes.

Eugenio Cinquemani organizes a module on statistics in systems biology at CRI/Univ Paris Descartes.

Delphine Ropers organizes a module on the mathematical modeling of biological systems at PHELMA, INP Grenoble.

Hidde de Jong organizes with Daniel Kahn a module on the modeling of genetic and metabolic networks at INSA de Lyon.