Section: Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the Year


Together with his co-authors, Emmanuel Baccelli was awarded the best demo award at the 3rd Cloudification of the Internet of Things Conference, in Paris, July 2018, for the demo on Orchestration of IoT Device and Business Workflow Engine on Cloud (collaboration with S. Kikuchi, I. Thomas, O. Jallouli, J. Dörr, A. Morgenstern, and K. Schleiser).

RIOT Summit 2018

We successfully organized in September 2018 the thrid RIOT Summit, in Amsterdam. The RIOT Summit 2018 gathered 100+ enthusiastic industrial participants, makers and academics involved in RIOT. Relevant partners such as Ericsson, HERE Technologies, CodeCoup, Wolf SSL, as well as a number of SMEs and startups from various places in Europe gave talks on aspects of IoT communication, use cases IoT hardware, IoT open source community aspects and concepts for future IoT software and networks, as well as hands-on sessions and tutorials. See: http://summit.riot-os.org.

Associated team - EMBRACE

2018 was the second year of the EMBRACE Associated team. The EMBRACE (lEveraging huMan Behavior for Resource AlloCation and services orchestration modEls) team is composed by members of the INFINE and by three Brazilian teams from three different Brazilian Universities. The EMBRACE project addresses the topic of designing efficient solutions for 5G networks taking into account human behavior, uncertainty, and heterogeneity of networking resources.

More information is available here: https://team.inria.fr/embrace/