Section: New Results
Supercomputing for Helmholtz problems
Numerical libraries for hybrid meshes in a discontinuous Galerkin context
Participants : Hélène Barucq, Aurélien Citrain, Julien Diaz.
Elasticus team code has been designed for triangles and tetrahedra mesh cell types. The first part of this work was dedicated to add quadrangle libraries and then to extend them to hybrid triangles-quadrangles (so in 2D). This implied to work on polynomials to form functions basis for the (discontinuous) finite element method, to finally be able to construct reference matrices (mass, stiffness, ...).
A complementary work has been done on mesh generation. The goal was to encircle an unstructured triangle mesh, obtained by third-party softwares, with a quadrangle mesh layer. At first, we built scripts to generate structured triangle meshes, quadrangle meshes and hybrid meshes (triangles surrounded by quadrangles). In 2018, we have implemented the coupling between Discontinuous Galerkin methods (using the triangles/tetrahedra) and Spectral Element methods (using quadrangles/hexahedra). We have also implemented the PML in the SEM part, and we are now working on the local time-stepping feature.