Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
Member of the Organizing Committees
Aurélien Bellet was a member of the organization committee of the PPML workshop at NeurIPS'18. ( The workshop was on Privacy Preserving Machine Learning and had among its invited speakers Shafi Goldwasser (Gödel and Turing Prize), Adam Smith (Gödel Prize).
Aurélien Bellet co-organized the kick-off workshop of the associated team PAD-ML with the Alan Turing Institute. ( The workshop was held at Inria Lille and featured speakers from Magnet and the Alan Turing Institute.
Scientific Events Selection
Member of the Conference Program Committees
Aurélien Bellet served as PC member for AISTATS'19, ICML'18, NIPS'18, IJCAI'18 Sister Conference, PiMLAI workshop at ICML'18, and CAP'18.
Pascal Denis served as PC member for ACL'18, CONLL'18, EMNLP'18, NAACL'18, NIPS'18, IJCAI-ECAI'18 (Senior PC), CRAC Workshop at NAACL'18.
Marc Tommasi served as PC member for AAAI'18, ICML'18, CAP'18, IJCAI'18 (Senior PC chair), AISTATS'18, NIPS'18.
Jan Ramon served as PC member for AAAI'19, AISTATS'19, IEEE-BigData'18, CIKM'18, DS'18, ECML/PKDD'18, EKAW'18, IEEE-ICDM'18, ICML'18, ILP'18, LOD'18, MLG'18, NIPS'18, SDM'18, TDLSG'18.
Rémi Gilleron served as PC member for NIPS'18, CAP'18, AISTATS'19 and ICLR'19.
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Aurélien Bellet was reviewer for Machine Learning Journal and IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.
Pascal Denis was reviewer for Computational Linguistics, IJCAI-ECAI Surveys, and Language Resources and Evaluation.
Jan Ramon was member of the editorial boards of Machine Learning Journal (MLJ) and Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (DMKD). Jan Ramon was reviewer for among others JMLR, TPAMI, JIIS.
Invited Talks
Aurélien Bellet gave invited talks at the EPFL-Inria 2018 workshop ( and the Journées de Statistique 2018 (session SSFAM). (
Aurélien Bellet was invited to talk at the seminars of Inria WIDE, Télécom ParisTech, Statistics Seminar of Paris 6/7, CMLA (ENS Paris Saclay) and Naver Labs Europe.
Pascal Denis gave an invited talk at the Séminaire Langage, SCALab, Université de Lille, 26/01/18.
Scientific Expertise
Aurélien Bellet was a member of the jury for the Gilles-Kahn PhD award of the French Society of Computer Science (SIF), sponsored by the French Academy of Sciences. (
Aurélien Bellet acted as external reviewer for the French National Research Agency (ANR), track “Projets de Recherche Collaborative – International”.
Jan Ramon was an external reviewer for the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF).
Jan Ramon was an external reviewer for the Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF).
Jan Ramon acted as an expert for the H2020 CoE and IMI programs.
Research Administration
Mikaela Keller is member of the Conseil du laboratoire CRIStAL.
Fabien Torre is member of the bureau du Conseil National des Universités (section 27).
Pascal Denis served as a member of the CNRS Pre-GDR NLP Group.
Pascal Denis was elected to Comité National du CNRS, section 34 (Sciences du Langage).