Overall Objectives
Application Domains
New Software and Platforms
Overall Objectives
Application Domains
New Software and Platforms

Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence SHS: Joël Legrand , Traitement de textes et tableur, 10h, L1, Université Lille.

  • Licence SHS: Marc Tommasi , Langages du Web, 24h, L2, Université Lille.

  • Licence MIASHS: Mikaela Keller , Python 1, 40h, L1, Université Lille.

  • Licence MIASHS: Marc Tommasi , Codage et représentation de l'information, 48h, L1, Université Lille.

  • Licence MIASHS: Mikaela Keller , Codage et représentation de l'information, 42h, L1, Université Lille.

  • Licence SoQ (SHS): Mikaela Keller , Algorithmique de graphes, 24h, L3, Université Lille.

  • Licence Marc Tommasi C2i 12h, Université Lille.

  • Licence Marc Tommasi Humanités numériques - Découvrir et faire découvrir la programmation, 20h, Université Lille/

  • Master MIASHS: Mikaela Keller , Algorithmes fondamentaux de la fouille de données, 60h, M1, Université Lille.

  • Master MIASHS: Joël Legrand , Apprentissage et émergence de comportements, 30h, M2, Université Lille.

  • Master Data Analysis & Decision Making: Aurélien Bellet , Machine Learning, 12h, Ecole Centrale de Lille.

  • Master / Master Spécialisé Big Data: Aurélien Bellet , Advanced Machine Learning, 15h, Télécom ParisTech.

  • Formation continue (Certificat d’Études Spécialisées Data Scientist): Aurélien Bellet , Supervised Learning and Support Vector Machines, 17.5h, Télécom ParisTech.

  • Master Informatique: Pascal Denis , Fondements de l'Apprentissage Automatique, 46h, M1, Université de Lille.


  • Postdoc: Melissa Ailem , InriaSiliconValley postdoctoral grant, supervised by Aurélien Bellet , Marc Tommasi , Pascal Denis and Fei Sha (University of Southern California).

  • Postdoc: Bo Li , supervised by Pascal Denis on ANR REM, Model Sense Disambiguation, since December 2017.

  • PhD: Géraud Le Falher , Characterizing edges in signed and vector-valued graphs. April 16th 2018, Marc Tommasi and Fabio Vitale and Claudio Gentile .

  • Phd: Ashraf M. Kibriya , Mining Frequent Patterns in Large Networks, June 2018, Jan Ramon .

  • PhD in progress: Mathieu Dehouck , Graph-based Learning for Multi-lingual and Multi-domain Dependency Parsing, since Oct 2015, Pascal Denis and Marc Tommasi .

  • PhD in progress: Onkar Pandit , Graph-based Semi-supervised Linguistic Structure Prediction, since Dec. 2017, Pascal Denis , Marc Tommasi and Liva Ralaivola (University of Marseille).

  • PhD in progress: Mariana Vargas Vieyra , Adaptive Graph Learning with Applications to Natural Language Processing, since Jan. 2018. Pascal Denis and Aurélien Bellet and Marc Tommasi .

  • PhD in progress: Brij Srivastava , Representation Learning for Privacy-Preserving Speech Recognition, since Oct 2018 Aurélien Bellet and Marc Tommasi and Emmanuel Vincent .

  • PhD in progress: Mahsa Asadi , On Decentralized Machine Learning, since Oct 2018. Aurélien Bellet and Marc Tommasi .

  • PhD in progress: Nicolas Crosetti , Privacy Risks of Aggregates in Data Centric-Workflows, since Oct 2018. Florent Capelli and Sophie Tison and Joachim Niehren and Jan Ramon .

  • PhD in progress: Robin Vogel , Learning to rank by similarity and performance optimization in biometric identification, since 2017 (CIFRE thesis with IDEMIA and Télécom ParisTech). Aurélien Bellet , Stéphan Clémençon and Anne Sabourin .


  • Aurélien Bellet was member of the PhD jury of Guillaume Papa (Télécom ParisTech), Wenjie Zheng (Sorbonne Université), Michael Blot (Sorbonne Université).

  • Marc Tommasi was member of the Phd jury of Gaëtan Hadjeres (Rapporteur), Alexandre Bérard (Head), Olivier Ruas (Rapporteur), Valentina Zantedeschi.

  • Pascal Denis was rapporteur on the Phd jury of Elena Knyazeva, Université Paris-Saclay.

  • Mikaela Keller was member of the recruitment committee for Assistant Professors in Computer Science at Université of Lille and at Université de St-Étienne.

  • Mikaela Keller was member of the Phd jury of Damien Fourure (Université de St-Étienne) and of the HDR jury of Renaud Lopes (CHRU Lille).

  • Rémi Gilleron was head of the PhD jury of Romain Warlop (Université de Lille).

  • Pascal Denis was a member of hiring committee for Junior Research Scientist at Inria Lille.

  • Marc Tommasi was member of the recruitment committee Assistant Professors in Computer Science at Université of Lille and for professor position at INSA de Lyon.