Overall Objectives
Application Domains
New Software and Platforms
Overall Objectives
Application Domains
New Software and Platforms

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

We conducted research in collaboration with J. Senechal from the department of law in Lille University. We are interested in studying the impact of technological choices regarding computation models in the perspective of the GDPR.

We strengthened our partnership with the linguistic laboratory STL in Lille university. We have welcomed Bert Cappelle for a stay (delegation) in the group. The topic of this collaboration was to study modal verbs and the translation of the notion of compositionality when applied to vectorial representation of words.

We initiated a collaboration with cognitive scientists (Angèle Brunellière and Jérémie Jozefowiez) from the psychology department, which resulted in a submission to a multidisciplinary Huma-Num project, to be funded by the Réseau National des Maisons des Sciences de l'Homme (RNMSH).

We started working with Christopher Fletcher (CNRS) from the History department.

These collaborations heavily rely on our work on distributional semantics and word embeddings to provide new insights into these different fields, hence also on the Mangoes toolkit developed in the team.

We participate to the Data Advanced data science and technologies project (CPER Data). This project is organized following three axes: internet of things, data science, high performance computing. Magnet is involved in the data science axis to develop machine learning algorithms for big data, structured data and heterogeneous data. The project MyLocalInfo is an open API for privacy-friendly collaborative computing in the internet of things.