Creation of the Team: 2012 January 01, updated into Project-Team: 2014 July 01

Section: Team, Visitors, External Collaborators

Research Scientists

Pascal Barla [Inria, Researcher, HDR]

Gaël Guennebaud [Inria, Researcher]

Faculty Members

Xavier Granier [Team leader, Univ Paris-Sud, Professor, until Aug 2018, HDR]

Pierre Bénard [Univ de Bordeaux, Associate Professor]

Patrick Reuter [Univ de Bordeaux, Associate Professor, HDR]

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Arthur Dufay [Inria]

PhD Students

Megane Bati [IOGS, from Sep 2018, granted by ANR VIDA]

Camille Brunel [Inria, granted by ANR Fold-Dyn]

Thomas Crespel [Inria]

Charlotte Herzog [Imaging Optics]

Antoine Lucat [IOGS, granted by ANR Material]

David Murray [Thermo Fisher Scientific]

Technical staff

Romain Pacanowski [CNRS]


Timothe Barbaux [Inria, from Apr 2018 until Aug 2018]

Megane Bati [IOGS, from Feb 2018 until Aug 2018]

Sofiane Benzait [Inria, from May 2018 until Aug 2018]

Jeremy Chardon [Inria, from May 2018 until Jul 2018]

Baptiste Delos [Inria, from May 2018 until Aug 2018]

Raphael Joucla [Ministère de l'Education Nationale, from Dec 2018]

Gabriel Nativel Fontaine [Inria, from May 2018 until Jul 2018]

Administrative Assistant

Anne-Laure Gautier [Inria]

Visiting Scientist

Masataka Sawayama [NTT, from Apr 2018 until Jun 2018]

External Collaborators

Loic Barthe [Univ. Toulouse III, Professor, HDR]

Vincent Lepetit [Univ. Bordeaux, Professor, HDR]

Mathias Paulin [Univ. Toulouse III, Professor, HDR]

David Vanderhaeghe [Univ. Toulouse III, Associate Professor]

Nicolas Mellado [CNRS, Researcher]