Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
Member of the Organizing Committees
A. Hardy co-organized the “Semaine d'Etude Math-Entreprise Hauts de France 2018” (Lille).
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
S. De Bièvre served as reviewer for J. Math. Phys., Ann. Institut H. Poincaré, J. Stat. Phys. in 2018.
G. Dujardin served as reviewer for APNUM and Numer. Math. in 2018.
A. Hardy served as reviewer for Communications in Pure and Applied Mathematics and Annals of Applied Probability in 2018.
M. Simon was reviewer for Markov Processes and Related Fields, and Annales de L'I.H.P. Probabilités et Statistiques in 2018.
Invited Talks
A. Hardy was invited to give several talks in 2018, including:
(May 2018) Workshop “random matrices and their applications”, Kyoto university (Japan)
(April 2018) Groupe de travail “Probas du vendredi” de Jussieu, Paris
A. Hardy was invited at a “réunion interne de l'Académie des Science” entitled “Le renouveau des processus ponctuels déterminantaux, des fermions à la statistique appliquée”.
M. Simon was invited to give several talks in 2018, including:
(April 2018) Workshop of the Simons Semester “PDE/SPDE-s, Functional Inequalities”, Banach Center, Poznan (Poland)
(August 2018) Journées “Modélisation Aléatoire et Statistique” of the “Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles”, Dijon (France)
(November 2018) Weekly Probability Seminar at University of Bath (England)
(December 2018) Weekly Probability Seminar in Lyon (France).
Research Administration
G. Dujardin is a member of Inria Evaluation Committee.