Section: Research Program
Derivation of macroscopic laws from microscopic dynamics
The team investigates, from a microscopic viewpoint, the dynamical mechanism at play in the phenomenon of relaxation towards thermal equilibrium for large systems of interacting particles. For instance, a first step consists in giving a rigorous proof of the fact that a particle repeatedly scattering of random obstacles through a Hamiltonian scattering process will eventually reach thermal equilibrium, thereby completing previous work in this direction by the team. As a second step, similar models as the ones considered classically will be defined and analysed in the quantum mechanical setting, and more particularly in the setting of quantum optics.
Another challenging problem is to understand the interaction of large systems with the boundaries, which is responsible for most energy exchanges (forcing and dissipation), even though it is concentrated in very thin layers. The presence of boundary conditions to evolution equations sometimes lacks understanding from a physical and mathematical point of view. In order to legitimate the choice done at the macroscopic level of the mathematical definition of the boundary conditions, we investigate systems of atoms (precisely chains of oscillators) with different local microscopic defects. We apply our recent techniques to understand how anomalous (in particular fractional) diffusive systems interact with the boundaries. For instance, the powerful tool given by Wigner functions that we already used has been successfully applied to the derivation of anomalous behaviors in open systems (for instance in [67]). The next step consists in developing an extension of that tool to deal with bounded systems provided with fixed boundaries. We also intend to derive anomalous diffusion by adding long range interactions to diffusive models. There are very few rigorous results in this direction. Finally, we aim at obtaining from a microscopic description the fractional porous medium equation (FPME), a nonlinear variation of the fractional diffusion equation, involving the fractional Laplacian instead of the usual one. Its rigorous study carries out many mathematical difficulties in treating at the same time the nonlinearity and fractional diffusion.