Section: New Results

Carving Large Cavities in Shapes for Fast Fused Deposition Modeling

Participants : Samuel Hornus, Sylvain Lefebvre.


Fused Deposition Modeling: fabricating things by depositing fused material into layers.

In 2016, we developed a technique for modeling a tight shield that protects the part being manufactured during 3D-printing with multi-material. In particular, the shield catches oozing material before it reaches the part  [19]. The technique was implemented on a voxel representation of the shape. We also demonstrated its use for the modeling of a large self-supported cavity inside the shape.

In this more recent work, we have extended the technique to iteratively carve large cavities in the shape in order to hollow a shape as much as possible while maintaining its ability to be fabricated without internal support. (see Figure 2) We developed a polygonal implementation of the technique that provides much higher quality results. The work was published at the 2018 Eurographics conference as a short paper [14]. An implementation is now available to the general public in our software IceSL.

Figure 2. From Section 6.1. Timelapse of the printing of a Yoda model. (Middle-left.) Note how the print is mostly empty and the nested cavity walls. Middle-right. Approaching the top of the head. Right. Closing the top of the head.
IMG/yoda-1.jpg IMG/yoda-2.jpg IMG/yoda-3.jpg IMG/yoda-4.jpg