Creation of the Team: 2018 January 01, end of the Team: 2018 December 31

Section: Team, Visitors, External Collaborators

Research Scientists

Denis Efimov [Team leader, Inria, Researcher, HDR]

Andrey Polyakov [Inria, Researcher, HDR]

Faculty Member

Jean-Pierre Richard [Permanent head, Centrale Lille, Professor, HDR]

Post-Doctoral Fellows

Nicolas Espitia [Inria]

Tonametl Sanchez Ramirez [ANR]

PhD Students

Youness Braidiz [ANR]

Nelson de Figueiredo Barroso [ANR, Region]

Tatiana Kharkovskaia [EC Lille–ITMO]

Edouard Leurent [Inria-Renault]

Francisco Lopez Ramirez [Inria]

Gabriele Perozzi [Onera-Region]

Haik Jan Silm [EC Lille-KUL]

Jijju Thomas [EC Lille-TU Eindhoven]

Quentin Voortman [TU Eindhoven-EC Lille]

Yue Wang [EC Lille]

Siyuan Wang [EC Lille]

External Collaborators

Gerald Dherbomez [CRIStAL, CNRS]

Leonid Fridman [Professor, UNAM, Inria International Chair]