Section: New Software and Platforms

LatViz: Visualization of Concept Lattices

  • Contact: Amedeo Napoli

  • URL: http://latviz.loria.fr/

  • Keywords: Formal Concept Analysis, Pattern Structures, Concept Lattice, Implications, Visualization

Functional Description.

LatViz is a tool allowing the construction, the display and the exploration of concept lattices. LatViz proposes some noticeable improvements over existing tools and introduces various functionalities focusing on interaction with experts, such as visualization of pattern structures for dealing with complex non-binary data, AOC-poset which is composed of the core elements of the lattice, concept annotations, filtering based on various criteria and a visualization of implications [70]. This way the user can effectively perform interactive exploratory knowledge discovery as often needed in knowledge engineering.

The LatViz platform can be associated with the Coron platform and extends its visualization capabilities (see http://coron.loria.fr). Recall that the Coron platform includes a complete collection of data mining algorithms for extracting itemsets and association rules.