Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts with Industry

The objective of our Agrement with WATERLOO MAPLE INC. is to promote software developments to which we actively contribute.

On the one hand, WMI provides man power, software licenses, technical support (development, documentation and testing) for an inclusion of our developments in their commercial products. On the other hand, OURAGAN offers perpetual licenses for the use of the concerned source code.

As past results of this agreement one can cite our C-Library RS for the computations of the real solutions zero-dimensional systems or also our collaborative development around the Maple package DV for solving parametric systems of equations.

For this term, the agreement covers algorithms developed in areas including but not limited to: 1) solving of systems of polynomial equations, 2) validated numerical polynomial root finding, 3) computational geometry, 4) curves and surfaces topology, 5) parametric algebraic systems, 6) cylindrical algebraic decompositions, 7) robotics applications.

In particular, it covers our collaborative work with some of our partners, especially the Gamble Project-Team - Inria Nancy Grand Est.