Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
J. Dreier, Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science (Logic, Languages, Automata), 146 hours (ETD), TELECOM Nancy
J. Dreier, Awareness for Cybersecurity, 7.5 hours (ETD), TELECOM Nancy
V. Cortier, Security of flows, 16 hours, M2 Computer Science, TELECOM Nancy and Mines Nancy
J. Dreier, Introduction to Cryptography, 42 hours, M1 Computer Science, TELECOM Nancy
A. Imine, Security for XML Documents, 12 hours (ETD), M1, Univ Lorraine
S. Kremer, Security Theory, 24 hours (ETD), M2 Computer science, Univ Lorraine
C. Ringeissen, Decision Procedures for Software Verification, 18 hours (ETD), M2 Computer science, Univ Lorraine
L. Vigneron, Security of information systems, 32 hours (ETD), M2 Computer science, Univ Lorraine
L. Vigneron, Security of information systems, 24 hours (ETD), M2 MIAGE – Distributed Information Systems, Univ Lorraine
L. Vigneron, Security of information systems, 16 hours (ETD), M2 MIAGE – Audit and Design of Information Systems, Univ Lorraine
J. Dreier, Symbolic verification of cryptographic protocols using Tamarin, 8 hours, 23rd Estonian Winter School in Computer Science (EWSCS), Palmse, Estonia
V. Cheval. Verification of Security Protocols: From Confidentiality to Privacy, 4 hours, School organized within the 15th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing (ICTAC 2018), Stellenbosch, South Africa
V. Cheval. Verification of Cryptographic Protocols, 2h30, 13th Summer School on Modelling and Verification of Parallel Processes (MOVEP 2018), Cachan, France
Antoine Dallon, Decision procedures for equivalence properties, November 26th, 2018 (V. Cortier and S. Delaune)
Younes Abid, Automated Risk Analysis on Privacy in Social Networks, July 5th, 2018 (M. Rusinowitch)
Alicia Filipiak, Conception and formal analysis of security protocols - one application to electronic voting and mobile paiement, March 23rd, 2018 (V. Cortier)
Ludovic Robin, Vérification formelle de protocoles basés sur de courtes chaines authentifiées, February 15th, 2018 (S. Delaune and S. Kremer)
Ahmad Abboud, Compressed and Verifiable Filtering Rules in Software-defined Networking, started in August 2018 (A. Lahmadi, M. Rusinowitch and A. Bouhoula)
Bizhan Alipour, Privacy protection against inference attacks in social networks, started in October 2018 (A. Imine, M. Rusinowitch)
Charlie Jacomme, Security protocols: new properties, new attackers, new protocols, started in September 2017 (H. Comon and S. Kremer)
Joseph Lallemand, Type systems for equivalence properties, started in September 2016 (V. Cortier)
Itsaka Rakotonirina, Efficient verification of equivalence properties in cryptographic protocols, started in October 2017 (V. Cheval and S. Kremer)
Reviewer for Jonathan Hoyland PhD, Royal Holloway, UK (V. Cortier)
Reviewer for Jean-Karim Zinzindohoué PhD, ENS Paris (V. Cortier)
Reviewer for Nicolás Sebastián Gálvez Ramírez PhD, Univ Angers and UTFSM, Valparaíso (C. Ringeissen)
Reviewer for Vaishnavi Sundararajan PhD, Chennai (M. Rusinowitch)