Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
European Initiatives
Collaborations with Major European Organizations
We are pursuing our interdisciplinary work about quantum control from theoretical aspects in direct collaboration with existing experiments (ENS Lyon) with the group of Benjamin Huard, former member of the QUANTIC team. Joint papers are published and underway. The ANR-JCJC project HAMROQS by Alain Sarlette has Benjamin Huard as external supporting collaborator.
We have been collaborating with Samuel Deleglise and Emmanuel Flurin from Laboratoire Kastler Brossel to understand and analyze their experimental data. In this aim, we have developed new adiabatic elimination techniques for multi-partite open quantum systems with non-trivial zero-order dynamics.
Alain Sarlette has been pursuing a fruitful collaboration with the group of Francesco Ticozzi on “dynamical systems aspects of quantum systems”. A novel line of work in the direction of quantum thermalization and quantum random walks has been explored, in the framework of the PhD of S. Apers (Ghent University) supervised by A. Sarlette.
Alain Sarlette has been collaborating with applied mathematicians interested in quantum control at UGent (Dirk Aeyels, Lode Wylleman, Gert De Cooman) in the framework of thesis co-supervisions. Two PhD students have successfully defended their thesis this year (Arash Farnam, on distributed control of lattices; Simon Apers, on quantum walks). He is further coaching a Master thesis intern working on nonlinear deterministic structures in quantum SDEs.