Section: Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the Year

  • Keynote at Eurocrypt: A. Canteaut bas been an invited keynote speaker at Eurocrypt 2018 in Tel-Aviv.

  • Cryptanalysis of candidates to the NIST post-quantum competition: The members of the project-team are involved in the design of several attacks against submissions to the NIST standardization effort for post-quantum cryptography. This work has led to the break of EDON-K key encapsulation mechanism, of RLCE encryption scheme, of RankSign , and of a recently proposed IBE scheme.

  • Quantum fault-tolerance with constant overhead: In a couple of papers published at STOC 2018 and FOCS 2018, A. Grospellier and A. Leverrier together with O. Fawzi (from ENS Lyon) proved that quantum expander codes can be combined with quantum fault-tolerance techniques to achieve constant overhead: the ratio between the total number of physical qubits required for a quantum computation with faulty hardware and the number of logical qubits involved in the ideal computation is asymptotically constant, and can even be taken arbitrarily close to 1 in the limit of small physical error rate. This improves on the polylogarithmic overhead promised by the celebrated threshold theorem.