Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
Authenticated Ciphers and Resistance against Side-Channel Attacks
ANR program: Défi Société de l'information et de la communication
Partners: ANSSI, Inria (project-team SECRET and project-team MARELLE), Orange, University of Lille, University of Rennes, University Versailles-Saint Quentin
The Brutus project aims at investigating the security of authenticated encryption systems. We plan to evaluate carefully the security of the most promising candidates to the CAESAR competition, by trying to attack the underlying primitives or to build security proofs of modes of operation. We target the traditional black-box setting, but also more "hostile" environments, including the hardware platforms where some side-channel information is available.
ANR Program: jeunes chercheurs
The goal of project DEREC is to demonstrate the feasibility of guaranteeing the security of some cryptographic protocols using the relativistic paradigm, which states that information propagation is limited by the speed of light. We plan to study some two party primitives such as bit commitment and their security against classical and quantum adversaries in this model. We then plan to the integration of those primitives into larger cryptosystems. Finally, we plan on performing a demonstration of those systems in real life conditions.
ANR Program: AAP Générique 2017
Partners: Inria SECRET (coordinator), XLIM, Univ. Rouen, Univ. Bordeaux.
The goal of CBCRYPT is to propose code-based candidates to the NIST call aiming at standardizing public-key primitives which resist to quantum attacks. These proposals are based either on code-based schemes relying on the usual Hamming metric or on the rank metric. The project does not deal solely with the NIST call. We also develop some other code-based solutions: these are either primitives that are not mature enough to be proposed in the first NIST call or whose functionalities are not covered by the NIST call, such as identity-based encryption, broadcast encryption, attribute based encryption or functional encryption. A third goal of this project is of a more fundamental nature: namely to lay firm foundations for code-based cryptography by developing thorough and rigorous security proofs together with a set of algorithmic tools for assessing the security of code-based cryptography.
Quantum Banknotes and Information-Theoretic Credit Cards
ANR Program: AAP Générique 2017
Partners: Univ. Paris-Diderot (coordinator), Inria SECRET, UPMC (LIP6), CNRS (Laboratoire Kastler Brossel)
For a quantum-safe future, classical security systems as well as quantum protocols that guarantee security against all adversaries must be deployed. Here, we will study and implement one of the most promising quantum applications, namely unforgeable quantum money. A money scheme enables a secure transaction between a client, a vendor and a bank via the use of a credit card or via the use of banknotes, with maximal security guarantees. Our objectives are to perform a theoretical analysis of quantum money schemes, in realistic conditions and for encodings in both discrete and continuous variables, and to demonstrate experimentally these protocols using state-of-the-art quantum memories and integrated detection devices.