Section: New Software and Platforms
Graph Rewriting
Keywords: Semantics - Syntactic analysis - Natural language processing - Graph rewriting
Functional Description: Grew is a Graph Rewriting tool dedicated to applications in NLP. Grew takes into account confluent and non-confluent graph rewriting and it includes several mechanisms that help to use graph rewriting in the context of NLP applications (built-in notion of feature structures, parametrization of rules with lexical information).
News Of The Year: In 2018, the version 1.0 of Grew was released. The major novelties are a new implementation of lexical rules and the introduction of a Python binding (described in the book: Application of Graph Rewriting to Natural Language Processing)
Participants: Bruno Guillaume, Guy Perrier and Guillaume Bonfante
Publications: Application de la réécriture de graphes au traitement automatique des langues - Application of Graph Rewriting to Natural Language Processing