Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Selection

Chair of Conference Program Committees
  • Sylvain Pogodalla: co-chair of FG 201823rd Conference on Formal Grammar [23].

Member of Conference Program Committees


Member of Editorial Boards
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities

Invited Talks

  • Philippe de Groote gave an invited talk at the Symposium on Logic and Algorithms in Computational Linguistics 2018 (LACompLing 2018), 28-31 August 2018, Stockholm, Sweden [11].

  • Maxime Amblard gave four invited talks:

    • at the Colloque Cathy Dufour, November 2018, Nancy [6];

    • at the EMLex lecture series/Séminaire de l’ATILF, March 2018, Nancy [7];

    • at the Recherches linguistiques et corpus, séminaire STIH de la Faculté des Lettres de Sorbonne Université, March 2018, Paris [9];

    • at the Linguistique textuelle, linguistique de corpus, April 2018, Metz [8].

  • Maria Boritchev gave a talk to the Séminaire des doctorantes et doctorants en informatique, June 2018, Paris [10].

Leadership within the Scientific Community

  • Philippe de Groote: president of SIGMOL, Association for Mathematics of Language, a Special Interest Group of the Association for Computational Linguistics; member of the LACL steering committee.

  • Bruno Guillaume: Management Committee Substitute of the COST Action CA16105 "European Network for Combining Language Learning with Crowdsourcing Techniques" (http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/ca/CA16105).

  • Sylvain Pogodalla: member of the LACL steering committee; member of the Formal Grammar standing committee.

  • Maxime Amblard: head of the work package on Natural Language Processing of the OLKI project (PIA funding), leader of the semantics topic for the national pre-GDR on Traitement Automatique des Langues.

Scientific Expertise

  • Philippe de Groote: member of the scientific council of the LIRMM, Laboratoire d’Informatique, de Robotique et de Microélectronique de Montpellier; member of the scientific council of the AREN e-FRAN project, ARgumentation Et Numérique.

  • Sylvain Pogodalla: expert for the Research Executive Agency (REA) of the EU.

  • Maxime Amblard: expert for the Agence Nationale pour la Recherche (ANR), expert for the Haut Conseil de l'évaluation de la recherche et de l'enseignement supérieur (HCERES).

Research Administration

  • Philippe de Groote:

    • Member of the bureau du comité des projets d'Inria Nancy – Grand Est.

  • Sylvain Pogodalla:

    • Elected member of the comité de centre d'Inria Nancy – Grand Est, in charge of the commission IES (information et édition scientifique du centre d'Inria Nancy – Grand Est.

  • Bruno Guillaume:

    • Head of the Loria department NLPKD (Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Discovery).

    • Animator of the CPER 2015-2020 project Langues, Connaissances et Humanités Numériques (Languages, Knowledge and Digital Humanities) in which ten laboratories of the Université de Lorraine participate.

    • Member of the Comipers (Inria committee for PhD and Post-doctoral selection).

  • Maxime Amblard:

    • Member of conseil scientifique of Université de Lorraine, in charge of the working group on publiants.

    • Standing invitee at the pôle scientifique AM2I of Université de Lorraine.

    • Member of the Sénat Académique of Université de Lorraine.

    • Member of the progress commission of Université de Lorraine.

    • Member of the administration coouncil of the Institut des sciences du digital, management et cognition.

    • Member of the board of the Maison des sciences de l'homme, MSH-Lorraine.

    • Head of the master in Natural Language Processing (master 1 and 2).

    • Member of the McF selection committee 4373 (section 7 and 27), Université Paris Sorbonne.