Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Selection
Chair of Conference Program Committees
Member of Conference Program Committees
Philippe de Groote: The 23rd Conference on Formal Grammar.
Maxime Amblard: 25ème conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN 2018)
Guy Perrier: Universal Dependencies Workshop 2018.
Sylvain Pogodalla: Symposium on Logic and Algorithms in Computational Linguistics 2018 (LACompLing2018), 25ème conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN 2018).
Maxime Amblard: The 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 25ème conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN 2018)
Member of Editorial Boards
Philippe de Groote: area editor of the FoLLI-LNCS series; associate editor of Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation; member of the editorial board of Cahiers du Centre de Logique.
Sylvain Pogodalla: Member of the editorial board of the journal Traitement Automatique des Langues, in charge of the Résumés de thèses section.
Maxime Amblard: Member of the editorial board of the journal Traitement Automatique des Langues, in charge of the hard copy editorial process, Editor of the (In)coherence of Discourse (upcoming volume of the Language, Cognition, and Mind series)
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Philippe de Groote: Journal of Language, Logic and Information, Journal of Logic and Computation, The Review of Symbolic Logic.
Sylvain Pogodalla: (In)coherence of Discourse (upcoming volume of the Language, Cognition, and Mind series), Journal of Language, Logic and Information.
Maxime Amblard: (In)coherence of Discourse (upcoming volume of the Language, Cognition, and Mind series), Journal of Language, Logic and Information, ACM - Transaction on multimedia computing communication, Traitement Automatique des Langues.
Invited Talks
Philippe de Groote gave an invited talk at the Symposium on Logic and Algorithms in Computational Linguistics 2018 (LACompLing 2018), 28-31 August 2018, Stockholm, Sweden [11].
Maxime Amblard gave four invited talks:
at the Colloque Cathy Dufour, November 2018, Nancy [6];
at the EMLex lecture series/Séminaire de l’ATILF, March 2018, Nancy [7];
at the Recherches linguistiques et corpus, séminaire STIH de la Faculté des Lettres de Sorbonne Université, March 2018, Paris [9];
at the Linguistique textuelle, linguistique de corpus, April 2018, Metz [8].
Maria Boritchev gave a talk to the Séminaire des doctorantes et doctorants en informatique, June 2018, Paris [10].
Leadership within the Scientific Community
Philippe de Groote: president of SIGMOL, Association for Mathematics of Language, a Special Interest Group of the Association for Computational Linguistics; member of the LACL steering committee.
Bruno Guillaume: Management Committee Substitute of the COST Action CA16105 "European Network for Combining Language Learning with Crowdsourcing Techniques" (
Sylvain Pogodalla: member of the LACL steering committee; member of the Formal Grammar standing committee.
Maxime Amblard: head of the work package on Natural Language Processing of the OLKI project (PIA funding), leader of the semantics topic for the national pre-GDR on Traitement Automatique des Langues.
Scientific Expertise
Philippe de Groote: member of the scientific council of the LIRMM, Laboratoire d’Informatique, de Robotique et de Microélectronique de Montpellier; member of the scientific council of the AREN e-FRAN project, ARgumentation Et Numérique.
Sylvain Pogodalla: expert for the Research Executive Agency (REA) of the EU.
Maxime Amblard: expert for the Agence Nationale pour la Recherche (ANR), expert for the Haut Conseil de l'évaluation de la recherche et de l'enseignement supérieur (HCERES).
Research Administration
Head of the Loria department NLPKD (Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Discovery).
Animator of the CPER 2015-2020 project Langues, Connaissances et Humanités Numériques (Languages, Knowledge and Digital Humanities) in which ten laboratories of the Université de Lorraine participate.
Member of the Comipers (Inria committee for PhD and Post-doctoral selection).
Member of conseil scientifique of Université de Lorraine, in charge of the working group on publiants.
Standing invitee at the pôle scientifique AM2I of Université de Lorraine.
Member of the progress commission of Université de Lorraine.
Member of the administration coouncil of the Institut des sciences du digital, management et cognition.
Member of the board of the Maison des sciences de l'homme, MSH-Lorraine.
Head of the master in Natural Language Processing (master 1 and 2).
Member of the McF selection committee 4373 (section 7 and 27), Université Paris Sorbonne.