Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
Regional Initiatives
The team have strong links with :
Research teams of the research center INSERM U1219 : "Injury Epidemiology, Transport, Occupation" (IETO), "Biostatistics", "Pharmacoepidemiology and population impact of drugs", "Multimorbidity and public health in patients with HIV or Hepatitis" (MORPH3Eus), "Computer research applied to health" (ERIAS) emerging research team.
Bordeaux and Limoges CHU ("Centre Hospitalier Universitaire").
Institut Bergonié, Univ Bordeaux through the Euclid platform
The project team members are involved in:
The research project “Self-management of injury risk and decision support systems based on predictive computer modelling. Development, implementation and evaluation in the MAVIE cohort study” funded by the Nouvelle-Aquitaine regional council (Marta Avalos).
Phenotyping from Electronic Health Records pilot project in cooperation with with the ERIAS Inserm emerging team in Bordeaux and the Rheumatology service from the Bordeaux Hospital (Boris Hejblum)
A cancer research project in collaboration with Inria MONC team on glioblastoma