Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

  • Labex Vaccine Research Institute (VRI) There are strong collaborations with immunologists involved in the Labex Vaccine Research Institute (VRI) as Rodolphe Thiébaut is leading the Data science division (previously Biostatistics/Bioinformatics) http://vaccine-research-institute.fr.

  • Collaboration with Inserm PRC (pôle Recherche clinique).

  • Collaboration with Inserm Reacting (REsearch and ACTion targeting emerging infectious diseases) network

Expert Appraisals

  • Rodolphe Thiébaut is a member of the CNU 46.04 (Biostatistiques, informatique médicale et technologies de communication).

  • Rodolphe Thiébaut is a member of the Scientific Council of INSERM.

  • Mélanie Prague is an expert for ANRS (France Recherche Nord&Sud Sida-HIV Hépatites) in the CSS 3 (Recherches cliniques et physiopathologiques dans l'infection à VIH) and AC 47 (Dynamique et contrôle des épidémies VIH et hépatites).

  • Laura Richert is an expert for the PHRC (Programme hospitalier de recherche Clinique).

  • Marta Avalos is an expert for the ANSM (Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé)

Various Partnership

The project team members are involved in:

  • DRUGS-SAFE platform funded by ANSM (Marta Avalos). Initiated in 2015-2018. Renewed for 2019.

  • F-CRIN (French clinical research infrastructure network) was initiated in 2012 by ANR under two sources of founding "INBS/Infrastructures nationales en biologie et en santé" and "Programme des Investissements d'avenir". (Laura Richert)

  • I-REIVAC is the French vaccine research network. This network is part of the “Consortium de Recherche en Vaccinologie (CoReVac)” created by the “Institut de Microbiologie et des Maladies Infectieuses (IMMI)”. (Laura Richert)

  • INCA (Institut National du Cancer) funded the project « Evaluation de l’efficacité d’un traitement sur l’évolution de la taille tumorale et autres critères de survie : développement de modèles conjoints. » (Principal PI Virginie Rondeau Inserm U1219, Mélanie Prague is responsible of Work package 4 mechanistic modeling of cancer: 5800 euros).

  • Contrat Initiation ANRS MoDeL-CI: Modeling the HIV epidemic in Ivory Coast (Principal PI Eric Ouattara Inserm U1219 in collaboration with University College London, Mélanie Prague is listed as a collaborator).