Section: New Results

Subresultants of (x-α)m and (x-β)n, Jacobi polynomials and complexity

A previous article in 2017 described explicit expressions for the coefficients of the order-d polynomial subresultant of (x-α)m and (x-β)n with respect to Bernstein's set of polynomials {(x-α)j(x-β)d-j,0jd}, for 0d<min{m,n}. In [8], Alin Bostan, together with T. Krick, M. Valdettaro (U. Buenos Aires, Argentina) and A. Szanto (U. North Carolina, Raleigh, USA) further developed the study of these structured polynomials and showed that the coefficients of the subresultants of (x-α)m and (x-β)n with respect to the monomial basis can be computed in linear arithmetic complexity, which is faster than for arbitrary polynomials. The result is obtained as a consequence of the amazing though seemingly unnoticed fact that these subresultants are scalar multiples of Jacobi polynomials up to an affine change of variables.