Section: Highlights of the Year
Highlights of the Year
Remarkable results: research and third-party funding
Regarding scientific results, the team has produced a number of outstanding results on resource and data managements in large-scale infrastructures, notably on how to place VMs in Clouds [5], and on how to manage VM images in geo-distributed clouds [18]. On the software side, the team has proposed a new model-based Architecture to design and implement autonomic and heterogeneous Cloud Systems [12]. Finally on the energy side, the team has deployed the SeDuce platform that allows researchers to investigate energy concerns in data-centers thanks to a numerous of energy sensors deployed across the dedicated facility [19], [20], [34].
Concerning third-party funding, 2018 has seen the acceptance of the VERDI “Etoiles Montantes” project. "Etoiles Montantes" is a highly-competitive call with the goal of bootstraping ERC submissions.
In 2018, the team has received two best paper awards and one individual award:
- Programme Jeunes Talents France Chine 2018 Shadi Ibrahim was selected for the “Programme Jeunes Talents France Chine" award.
Best Papers Awards:
[12]A Model-based Architecture for Autonomic and Heterogeneous Cloud Systems, in: CLOSER 2018 - 8h International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, Funchal, Portugal, March 2018, vol. 1, pp. 201-212, Best Paper Award. [ DOI : 10.5220/0006773002010212 ]
SeDuCe: a Testbed for Research on Thermal and Power Management in Datacenters, in: GREEN 2018 - Third International Conference on Green Communications, Computing and Technologies, Venise, Italy, September 2018, pp. 1-6.