Section: New Results

Programming Support

Participants : Zakaria Al-Shara, Frederico Alvares, Maverick Chardet, Hélène Coullon, Thomas Ledoux, Jacques Noyè, Dimitri Pertin.

Our contributions regarding the programming support are divided in two topics. First, we have contributed to automated deployment and reconfiguration with three publications. Second, we have contributed to autonomic computing and self-management in the Cloud with two publications. While these topics are strongly related (i.e., a reconfiguration system is an autonomic controller), we have decided to distinguish two different levels of contributions, one being based on deployment and reconfiguration execution, or software commissioning (low level system commands), while the other uses model-driven software engineering techniques to build common self-management models for the Cloud (high level abstractions).

Deployment and reconfiguration in the Cloud

Distributed software architecture is composed of multiple interacting modules, or components. Deploying such software consists in installing them on a given infrastructure and leading them to a functional state. However, since each module has its own life cycle and might have various dependencies with other modules, deploying such software is a very tedious task, particularly on massively distributed and heterogeneous infrastructures. To address this problem, many solutions have been designed to automate the deployment process. In [14], we introduce Madeus, a component-based deployment model for complex distributed software. Madeus accurately describes the life cycle of each component by a Petri net structure, and is able to finely express the dependencies between components. The overall dependency graph it produces is then used to reduce deployment time by parallelizing deployment actions. While this increases the precision and performance of the model, it also increases its complexity. For this reason, the operational semantics needs to be clearly defined to prove results such as the termination of a deployment. In this paper, we formally describe the operational semantics of Madeus, and show how it can be used in a use-case: the deployment of OpenSatck, a real and large distributed software.

Distributed software and infrastructures also become more and more dynamic. Therefore, there is a need for models assisting their management, including their reconfiguration. We focus on three properties for reconfigurations. First, we think that the efficiency of a reconfiguration is of first importance as a running service should not be interrupted for a long period of time (downtime minimization). Second, we think that it is important to offer generic reconfiguration models to help developers building complex reconfigurations. Such models offer safety properties and a clear expressivity to guide the developer. Third, multiple actors are involved in reconfigurations. On one side, developers of components are responsible for describing components life cycles, while on the other side, different developers or IT adminitstrators could be responsible for the reconfiguration design of a complete distributed software composed of multiple connected components. To be able to simplify the reconfiguration design, it is important to offer the good abstraction level to each actor by guaranteeing a separation of concerns. Existing reconfiguration models are either specific to a subset of reconfigurations or are unable to provide both good performance and high separation of concerns between the actors interacting with them. In [32], we present an extension that could be applied both to Aeolus (an existing reconfiguration model) and Madeus (our deployment model). This extension introduces reconfiguration to Madeus, and enhances the separation of concerns compared to Aeolus. To this purpose, we introduce the behavior concept such that more ellaborated life-cycles can be handled by Madeus. The obtained life-cycle defined by the component developer is complex and not adapted to the reconfiguration designer. Thus, we also introduce a minimal view of each life-cycle, namely behavioral interfaces, such that the reconfiguration is still possible but hides intricate details of each component life-cycle.

In [13] we present our complete plans to extend Madeus to support reconfiguration and to provide a good separation of concerns.

Autonomic computing and self-management

A Cloud needs autonomic controllers to be handled efficiently. Such controllers mostly follow a loop with four steps: monitor the system or the infrastructure, analyze the situation according to the monitoring and a set of models, plan and execute actions in consequences. In the Cloud management, multiple autonomic controllers have to be designed at each level of service (e.g., IaaS, PaaS, SaaS etc.). Moreover, each autonomic controller is connected to the others. In the context of massively geo-distributed infratstructures such as Fog computing, autonomic controllers will also be decentralized, thus increasing the need for generic models of autonomic controllers and their coordination.

In the CoMe4ACloud project [3], [12], we propose a generic model-based architecture for autonomic management of Cloud systems. We derive a generic unique Autonomic Manager (AM) capable of managing any Cloud service, regardless of its XaaS layer. This AM is based on a constraint solver which aims at finding the optimal configuration for the modeled XaaS, i.e. the best balance between costs and revenues while meeting the constraints established by the SLA between the producer and the consumer of the Cloud service. In [12], we introduce the designed model-based architecture, and notably its core generic XaaS modeling language. We present as well the interoperability with a Cloud standard (TOSCA). In [3], we evaluate our approach in two different ways. Firstly, we analyze qualitatively the impact of the AM behavior on the system configuration when a given series of events occurs. We show that the AM takes decisions in less than 10 s for several hundred nodes simulating virtual/physical machines. Secondly, we demonstrate the feasibility of the integration with real Cloud systems, such as OpenStack, while still remaining generic.