STARS - 2018
Overall Objectives
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Overall Objectives
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

Monitoring the Behaviors of Retail Customers

Participants : Soumik Mallick, Julien Badie, Francois Brémond.

Keywords: Ontology, Event detection, Multi-sensor data fusion, Real-time person tracking

The future shops will be connected and distributors as well as shopkeepers need to fulfill their promise to provide a personalized shopping experience to the customers, for example: advising and guiding customers in real time. It could not only enrich the productivity of the staffs but also increase the product sale. Implementing digital service and information in the store (like using beacons) is of primary importance. Sellers can keep their promise by providing the customer's contextual support tool in order to sell more product. To improve the performance of the store, this digital service can help to analyze customer displacement and the reaction to the product which can help to reduce the operational costs of the store by optimizing store process. It can also help to adjust store prices, merchandising and commercial operation. Thus connected digital store is a major level for new consumer services and an efficient way to manage the store.

We use multiple video cameras to detect customer in real-time inside the store. Furthermore, data are collected from different sensors like mobile phone, video camera, GPS location or Beacon. It helps to provide us with the trajectory information of the customer. A trajectory is composed of a set of points. The trajectory points are collected with the help of sensor API. Then, the calculation of distance of points in subsequent frames is performed. Every point has a minimum distance to a certain threshold of time. If there is a difference between a distance on a certain period of time that will be considered as a moving subject. For example, if we have 2 tracklets from different sensors (and generally with a different frequency of points), we cut both tracklets just to keep the intersection (in terms of time) and then apply Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) on this section. When we have the results for all tracklet pairs, we order them by distance and we decide to authorize to merge the data from the different sensors or not, with help of fusion algorithms to pass the information from the sensors to the ontology. After that, only one trajectory is sent to the ontology. Then we create a SPARQL request to extract trajectory-based events and execute it.

In this storeConnect project, we are investigating to improve the event recognition model. It will help to identify customer activity in the different zone inside the store as well as moving and stopping positions of the customer. Furthermore, inside the ontology, we want to add different attributes such as emotion, gender etc.